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No, krypton is not a good thermal conductor. It is a noble gas and has very low thermal conductivity compared to other materials.

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Q: Is krypton a good thermal conductor?
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Is krypton a conductor of heat?

No, krypton is not a good conductor of heat. It is a noble gas with very low thermal conductivity due to its monatomic structure, which limits the transfer of heat energy through the material.

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Yes, that is what "good thermal conductor" means.

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Krypton is a poor conductor of either heat or electricity.

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No, krypton is not a good conductor of electricity. It is a noble gas and is categorized as an insulator. It does not easily allow the flow of electric charge through it.

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Krypton is a poor conductor of electricity. This noble gas is an insulator, meaning it does not readily conduct electricity due to its stable electron configuration.

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