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No, frequency and loudness are two separate properties of sound. Frequency refers to how many cycles of a wave occur in a second, while loudness refers to the magnitude or intensity of a sound. A sound with a higher intensity is perceived as louder, regardless of its frequency.

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Q: Is it true that a sound with a higher frequency is louder than one with a lower frequency?
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Is the lower the frequency the louder the pitch sound?

No, the lower the frequency, the lower the pitch of the sound. Pitch is determined by the frequency of a sound wave, with higher frequencies corresponding to higher pitches. The perception of loudness is more closely related to the amplitude or intensity of the sound wave.

What wave characteristics affects the loudness of a sound?

The amplitude of a sound wave directly affects its loudness – greater amplitude corresponds to louder sounds. The frequency of a sound wave can also affect loudness, as higher frequencies are generally perceived as louder than lower frequencies at the same amplitude.

What the sound being made of pitch's. loudness quality?

The sound's pitch is determined by its frequency, with higher frequency sounds having a higher pitch and lower frequency sounds having a lower pitch. Loudness is determined by the sound's amplitude, with higher amplitude sounds being perceived as louder. Quality refers to timbre, which is the unique character of a sound determined by its harmonics and overtones.

What property of sound determines the pitch of a sound?

The frequency of sound waves determines the pitch of a sound. A higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch, while a lower frequency corresponds to a lower pitch.

How low or high a sound seems to be?

The perceived pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency, with higher frequencies sounding higher in pitch and lower frequencies sounding lower in pitch. The volume or amplitude of a sound affects its perceived loudness, with louder sounds sounding higher and softer sounds sounding lower.

Related questions

Is the lower the frequency the louder the pitch sound?

No, the lower the frequency, the lower the pitch of the sound. Pitch is determined by the frequency of a sound wave, with higher frequencies corresponding to higher pitches. The perception of loudness is more closely related to the amplitude or intensity of the sound wave.

Are higher freqeuncy sound waves louder?

Higher frequency sound waves are not necessarily louder than lower frequency sound waves. The perceived loudness of a sound is more dependent on the amplitude or intensity of the sound wave, rather than its frequency.

What wave characteristics affects the loudness of a sound?

The amplitude of a sound wave directly affects its loudness – greater amplitude corresponds to louder sounds. The frequency of a sound wave can also affect loudness, as higher frequencies are generally perceived as louder than lower frequencies at the same amplitude.

What the sound being made of pitch's. loudness quality?

The sound's pitch is determined by its frequency, with higher frequency sounds having a higher pitch and lower frequency sounds having a lower pitch. Loudness is determined by the sound's amplitude, with higher amplitude sounds being perceived as louder. Quality refers to timbre, which is the unique character of a sound determined by its harmonics and overtones.

What property of sound determines the pitch of a sound?

The frequency of sound waves determines the pitch of a sound. A higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch, while a lower frequency corresponds to a lower pitch.

How low or high a sound seems to be?

The perceived pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency, with higher frequencies sounding higher in pitch and lower frequencies sounding lower in pitch. The volume or amplitude of a sound affects its perceived loudness, with louder sounds sounding higher and softer sounds sounding lower.

What determines the highest or lowness of the sound?

The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency, with higher frequencies producing higher pitches and lower frequencies producing lower pitches. The amplitude of a sound wave determines its loudness, with greater amplitudes resulting in louder sounds.

What sound is decided by the frequency of its vibrations?

The pitch of a sound is determined by the frequency of its vibrations. A higher frequency produces a higher pitch sound, while a lower frequency produces a lower pitch sound.

What makes a sound become higher or lower?

The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency. A higher frequency produces a higher pitch, while a lower frequency produces a lower pitch. The faster the vibrations in the sound wave, the higher the pitch will be.

The characteristic of a sound wave that we hear as pitch is the?

frequency of the sound wave. A higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch, while a lower frequency corresponds to a lower pitch.

What is the relationship between pitch and frequency in sound?

Pitch refers to how high or low a sound is perceived and is closely related to the frequency of the sound wave. Higher frequency sound waves are perceived as higher pitches, while lower frequency sound waves are perceived as lower pitches. In general, the higher the frequency, the higher the pitch of the sound.

How sound pitch and frequency are related?

Higher the frequency higher the pitch.