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yes it is true

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4mo ago

Yes, in a gravitational field, lowering an object decreases its potential energy because it moves closer to the ground, reducing its height relative to the reference point where potential energy is defined. Potential energy is directly proportional to height, so lowering the object results in a reduction in potential energy.

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Q: Is it true lowering an object decreases its potential energy?
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Lowering an object decreases its potential energy?

Yes, when an object is lowered, it loses potential energy and increases kinetic energy as it moves closer to the ground. This is due to the force of gravity acting on the object as it moves to a lower position.

As the height of a dropped ball decreases what happens to its potential energy?

As the height of a dropped ball decreases, its potential energy also decreases. This is because potential energy is directly proportional to an object's height - the higher the object, the greater its potential energy.

Does potential energy decreases as an object falls to earth?

Yes, as an object falls to Earth, its potential energy decreases as it gets converted into kinetic energy due to the acceleration of gravity acting on the object. This means that the object's height above the ground, which determines its potential energy, decreases as it falls.

What happens to an object's potential energy as it gains kinetic energy?

As an object gains kinetic energy (movement), its potential energy decreases. This is because the energy is being converted from potential energy to kinetic energy. The total mechanical energy of the object (kinetic energy + potential energy) remains constant if no external forces are acting on the object.

How does energy transform as an object falls from a height above the ground?

As an object falls from a height above the ground, its potential energy decreases due to the lowering of its height. This potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy as the object speeds up. At the same time, some of the energy is also lost as heat and sound due to air resistance and other factors.

What happens to the potential energy as the kinetic of an object increase?

As the kinetic energy of an object increases, its potential energy decreases. This is because energy is transformed from potential to kinetic as an object gains speed or movement. The total mechanical energy of the object (the sum of kinetic and potential energy) remains constant if no external forces are acting on the object.

If an object that moves faster does it have greater potential energy?

The potential energy of an object depends on its position and not on its speed. So, the speed of an object does not affect its potential energy.

What happen to the potential energy of an object as it falls?

As an object falls, its potential energy decreases and is transformed into kinetic energy. This is due to the force of gravity doing work on the object as it moves downwards. The potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which increases the object's speed as it falls.

Does lowering an object decrease its potential energy?

Yes. One type of potential energy is gravitational potential energy, or how much energy an object has based on how far it can fall. If you lower an object, it loses gravitational potential energy because it can't fall as far. Likewise, if you raise an object, it gains G.P.E.

Does a falling object transfer energy?

Yes, a falling object transfers potential energy into kinetic energy as it descends due to gravity. The object's potential energy decreases as it loses height and gains speed, converting that potential energy into kinetic energy.

What happens to potential energy of an object as it falls?

It is tranferred/converted into kinetic energy (DECREASES)

How is gravitational potential energy related to height?

Gravitational potential energy is directly proportional to the height of an object above a reference point. As an object's height increases, its gravitational potential energy also increases because the object has the potential to do more work as it falls to a lower height due to gravity. Conversely, as the object's height decreases, its gravitational potential energy decreases.