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Only if there is a potential difference between two points, does the charge move specifically in a direction.

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No, electric current flows due to the movement of charged particles, usually electrons. Two objects with the same charge can still have current flow between them if there is a potential difference (voltage) present.

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Q: Is it true for an electric current to flow only if two objects have a different charge?
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What is the difference between the movement of electric charge in a solution and the transfer of electric charge between solid objects?

In a solution, electric charge moves through the movement of charged particles (ions) in the liquid. In the transfer of electric charge between solid objects, charge is transferred through the movement of electrons between the objects. The mechanism of charge transfer and conduction is different in each case due to the nature of the medium involved.

What is a short paragraph using the terms static electricity and electric discharge?

Static electricity is the accumulation of electric charge on an object. When this charge builds up, it can lead to an electric discharge, where the excess charge is released through a sudden flow of current. This discharge can be seen as sparks or arcs of electricity between objects with different electrical potentials.

A static discharge differs form an electric current in that a static discharge?

A static discharge is a sudden flow of electricity between two objects with different electric potential, whereas an electric current is a continuous flow of electric charge in a closed circuit. Static discharge occurs due to a build-up of static electricity, while electric current flows due to an applied voltage.

What kind of electricity is static electricity?

Static electricity is a stationary electric charge produced by the accumulation of excess electrons on an object's surface. It is different from current electricity, which is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. Static electricity is commonly generated by friction between two objects.

What is the diffrenece between electric charge and electric current?

Electric charge is a property of matter that determines how it interacts with electromagnetic fields, while electric current is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. In other words, electric charge is the source of electric current, which is the movement of charged particles.

Related questions

What is a short paragraph using the terms static electricity and electric discharge?

Static electricity is the accumulation of electric charge on an object. When this charge builds up, it can lead to an electric discharge, where the excess charge is released through a sudden flow of current. This discharge can be seen as sparks or arcs of electricity between objects with different electrical potentials.

What is the term for an electric charge that does move?

That is called an electric current. Actually, defining an electric current as a "movement of charge" is a little simplistic, but movement of charge is certainly an important part.That is called an electric current. Actually, defining an electric current as a "movement of charge" is a little simplistic, but movement of charge is certainly an important part.That is called an electric current. Actually, defining an electric current as a "movement of charge" is a little simplistic, but movement of charge is certainly an important part.That is called an electric current. Actually, defining an electric current as a "movement of charge" is a little simplistic, but movement of charge is certainly an important part.

What is the difference between the movement of electric charge in a solution and the transfer of electric charge between solid objects?

In a solution, electric charge moves through the movement of charged particles (ions) in the liquid. In the transfer of electric charge between solid objects, charge is transferred through the movement of electrons between the objects. The mechanism of charge transfer and conduction is different in each case due to the nature of the medium involved.

For an electric current to flow the only thing needed is for two objects to have a difference in charge?

Actually, they need a difference in energy per charge. Voltage is energy per charge, in joules per coulomb, and a voltage differential is what is required to create an electric current flow.

A static discharge differs form an electric current in that a static discharge?

A static discharge is a sudden flow of electricity between two objects with different electric potential, whereas an electric current is a continuous flow of electric charge in a closed circuit. Static discharge occurs due to a build-up of static electricity, while electric current flows due to an applied voltage.

What kind of electricity is static electricity?

Static electricity is a stationary electric charge produced by the accumulation of excess electrons on an object's surface. It is different from current electricity, which is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. Static electricity is commonly generated by friction between two objects.

What is the diffrenece between electric charge and electric current?

Electric charge is a property of matter that determines how it interacts with electromagnetic fields, while electric current is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. In other words, electric charge is the source of electric current, which is the movement of charged particles.

How is electricity different from other electricity?

Static electricity is electric charge just sitting there. Electric Current is electric charge in motion. And the original terms for electricity is Lightning, Thunderbolt.

How do the electric force between two objects depends on the amount of charge?

The electric force between two objects is directly proportional to the amount of charge on each object. As the amount of charge increases, the electric force between the objects also increases. Conversely, if the amount of charge decreases, the electric force between the objects will decrease.

What are the 3 types of eletricity?

The three types of electricity are static electricity, current electricity (also known as electric current), and alternating current (AC) electricity. Static electricity refers to the build-up of electric charge on the surface of objects. Current electricity is the flow of electric charge through a conductor, while alternating current (AC) electricity is a type of current where the flow periodically reverses direction.

When an electric charge moves through a conductor there is an electric in the conductor?

When an electric charge moves through a conductor, an electric current is generated in the conductor. The flow of electrons creates a flow of current in the conductor, which is the movement of electric charge through the material.

Do objects with large amounts of charge have bigger electric fields than objects with small amounts of charges?

Yes, objects with larger amounts of charge generally have stronger electric fields than objects with smaller amounts of charge. The strength of an electric field is directly proportional to the amount of charge that produces it.