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No, grams are units of mass, not vector quantities. Vector quantities have both magnitude and direction, such as velocity or force. An example unit for vector quantity would be Newtons for force or meters per second for velocity.

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Q: Is grams could be units for a vector quantity?
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What is formula of momentum?

The formula for momentum is: momentum = mass x velocity. Momentum is a vector quantity and its direction is the same as the direction of the velocity of the object.

2 units of mass?

A mass of 2 units refers to a quantity of matter or material. In physics, mass is a measure of the amount of substance in an object, typically measured in units like kilograms or grams. So, 2 units of mass could represent any quantity depending on the specific unit being used.

What phrase describes speed A. A quantity with direction only B. A quantity with no units C. A vector quantity D. A scalar quantity?

A. A quantity with direction only - This phrase describes speed as it is a scalar quantity, meaning it has magnitude but no direction.

Define the term velocity. what are its various units Is it a scalar or vector quantity?

Velocity is the rate of change of an object's position in a specific direction. Its units include meters per second (m/s), kilometers per hour (km/h), and feet per second (ft/s). Velocity is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude (speed) and direction.

Force is a quantity made up of?

Force is a vector quantity made up of magnitude and direction. It is measured in units such as newtons (N) and can be represented graphically as an arrow. The magnitude of a force is the strength or intensity of the force, while the direction indicates the line along which the force acts.

Which of the following are units that can only describe scalar quantities?

Units such as kilograms, seconds, and degrees Celsius can only describe scalar quantities. These units represent values that have magnitude but no direction, unlike vector quantities which require both magnitude and direction for complete description.

What is the unit for displacement?

Displacement is measured in distance, so any measurement dealing with only distance will work. The SI units are meters.

What formula of momentum?

The units are KgMs- why? Velocity is a vector Quantity and mass is a scalar quantity.

What is a measure of the quantity of matter in an object is called what?

The measure of the quantity of matter in an object is called mass. Mass is commonly measured in units such as kilograms or grams.

What are some values that could possibly be a vector magnitude?

Some values that could possibly be a vector magnitude include distance, speed, force, acceleration, and energy. These values represent the magnitude or size of a vector quantity and may have units such as meters, meters per second, newtons, meters per second squared, or joules.

Is time interval scalar or vector?

Time interval is a scalar quantity because it only has magnitude and no direction associated with it. It is measured in units such as seconds or hours.