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Displacement and overall distance are but the distance travelled does depend on the path.

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Distance is independent of path, as it is the total length traveled from point A to point B, regardless of the route taken. Displacement, on the other hand, is the shortest distance between the initial and final points and is also independent of path.

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Q: Is displacement or distance independent of path?
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Is it possible for the displacement to be larger than the distance?

Yes, it is possible for the displacement to be larger than the distance traveled. Displacement is the shortest distance between the initial and final position, while distance is the total length of the path taken. If the path is not a straight line, the displacement can be greater than the distance.

Can the displacement be longer than the distance traveled?

No, the displacement cannot be longer than the distance traveled. Displacement is the shortest distance between the starting and ending points regardless of the path taken, while distance traveled is the total length of the actual path taken.

Are distance and displacement equal in magnitude?

Not necessarily. Distance is the total length of the path traveled, while displacement is the direct line from the starting point to the ending point. Displacement can be less than, equal to, or greater than distance depending on the path taken.

Is it true that distance is always greater than an equal to the magnitude of the displacement?

Not always. Distance is a scalar quantity that represents the total length of the path traveled, while displacement is a vector quantity that represents the shortest path between two points with direction. Usually, distance is greater than or equal to displacement, but in cases where the path taken is not straightforward, distance can be less than displacement.

Can my total displacement be greater than my total distance?

No, your total displacement (the straight line distance from start to finish, regardless of path taken) cannot be greater than your total distance (the sum of all the length of the path taken). Displacement can be shorter or equal to distance, but not greater.

Related questions

Is it possible for the displacement to be larger than the distance?

Yes, it is possible for the displacement to be larger than the distance traveled. Displacement is the shortest distance between the initial and final position, while distance is the total length of the path taken. If the path is not a straight line, the displacement can be greater than the distance.

What does it mean about your displacement is equal to the distance you traveled?

displacement is equal to the distance you traveled when the object is moving at shortest path

Can the displacement be longer than the distance traveled?

No, the displacement cannot be longer than the distance traveled. Displacement is the shortest distance between the starting and ending points regardless of the path taken, while distance traveled is the total length of the actual path taken.

Are distance and displacement equal in magnitude?

Not necessarily. Distance is the total length of the path traveled, while displacement is the direct line from the starting point to the ending point. Displacement can be less than, equal to, or greater than distance depending on the path taken.

Is it true that distance is always greater than an equal to the magnitude of the displacement?

Not always. Distance is a scalar quantity that represents the total length of the path traveled, while displacement is a vector quantity that represents the shortest path between two points with direction. Usually, distance is greater than or equal to displacement, but in cases where the path taken is not straightforward, distance can be less than displacement.

Can my total displacement be greater than my total distance?

No, your total displacement (the straight line distance from start to finish, regardless of path taken) cannot be greater than your total distance (the sum of all the length of the path taken). Displacement can be shorter or equal to distance, but not greater.

Is distance traveled a state function or a path function?

Its a path function......but DISPLACEMENT is a state function.Distance depends on the path we followed from one state to another but displacement is a straight distance so it depends upon the states.

How can displacement of a particle is independent of the path taken?

The displacement of a particle is independent of the path taken if only the initial and final positions are considered. It is determined by the difference between the final and initial positions, regardless of how the particle got there. This is a result of displacement being a vector quantity, where only the magnitude and direction matter, not the path taken.

Can distance be smaller than displacement?

Yes, distance is a scalar quantity that measures the total length of the path taken, while displacement is a vector quantity that measures the change in position from the initial to the final point. The distance can be smaller or equal to the displacement depending on the path taken.

Distance is always less then or equal to the magnitude of the displacement?

Distance is the total length of the path traveled between two points, while displacement is the direct line distance between those points. Distance can be equal to or greater than the magnitude of displacement if the path followed is not a straight line.

How are displacement and distance similar?

Distance and displacement are similar because both have magnitude.However, displacement is a vector quantity since it has both magnitude and direction whereas distance is a scalar quantity since it has only magnitude.

What is the difference between the total path taken and the straight line connecting the sarting and last points of the path?

Total path is distance Where as the straight line is the displacement In case of a body going aroung a circle completing one full round, the distance is 2piR But the displacement is ZERO There by distance is a scalar and so it does not have direction But displacement is a vector. Because of vector addition we get displacement in this case as ZERO