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Yes, Coulomb's law is an example of a conservative force. A conservative force is one in which the energy required to move a particle (subject to this force) from one point in space to another is independent of the path taken.

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3mo ago

Yes, Coulomb's law describes conservative forces because the work done by the electric force moving a charge in an electric field is path-independent. This means that the work done in moving the charge from one point to another is the same, regardless of the path taken.

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Q: Is coulomb law conservative forces
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What Charles coulomb invented?

Charles Coulomb is known for Coulomb's law of electrostatic forces, which describes the force between two charged objects. He also developed the torsion balance, which he used to measure these forces.

What is the origin of coulomb forces and Gravitatinal forces?

Coulomb forces arise from the interaction between charged particles due to their electric fields, where like charges repel and opposite charges attract. Gravitational forces originate from the attraction between masses due to gravity, as described by Newton's law of universal gravitation.

Is coulomb's law true foratomic and nuclear distance?

No, Coulomb's law is not applicable at atomic and nuclear distances due to the presence of Quantum Mechanical effects. At these scales, interactions are governed by more complex theories such as quantum mechanics and nuclear forces. Coulomb's law breaks down in these scenarios where electrons occupy probability clouds and the strong nuclear force plays a significant role in binding nucleons.

How do you get a distance from coulomb laws?

You can calculate the distance between two charges using Coulomb's law by rearranging the formula: F = k * (q1 * q2) / r^2. Solving for distance (r) gives you: r = sqrt(k * (q1 * q2) / F) where k is the Coulomb constant, q1 and q2 are the charges, and F is the force between the charges.

What foctors affect the strength of electric and magnetic forces?

The strength of electric forces is influenced by the charge of the objects involved and the distance between them (Coulomb's law). For magnetic forces, the strength is determined by the magnitude of the magnetic field, the charge of the moving particle, and the velocity of the particle (Lorentz force law).

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Are the coulomb forces between electrical charges conservative?

yes i think that electrical are to much

What Charles coulomb invented?

Charles Coulomb is known for Coulomb's law of electrostatic forces, which describes the force between two charged objects. He also developed the torsion balance, which he used to measure these forces.

Does coulomb's law of electric force obey newton's third law of motion?

Yes. The forces are mutual.

Is Coulomb's law a fundamental law?

Coulomb's law is not a fundamental law because it applies only to point charges.

What is the origin of coulomb forces and Gravitatinal forces?

Coulomb forces arise from the interaction between charged particles due to their electric fields, where like charges repel and opposite charges attract. Gravitational forces originate from the attraction between masses due to gravity, as described by Newton's law of universal gravitation.

What is Charles coulomb famous for?

He was famous for coulomb's law

What is electro energy?

Electromagnetic energy is the kind of energy which results from the forces generated by electrical charge in accordance with Coulomb's Law.

How did Coulomb discover Coulomb's law in the 1780's?

Coulomb discovered Coulomb's law in 1785 after a series of experiments relating to electromagnetism. He published the findings of his three reports in 1785.

Is coulomb's law true foratomic and nuclear distance?

No, Coulomb's law is not applicable at atomic and nuclear distances due to the presence of Quantum Mechanical effects. At these scales, interactions are governed by more complex theories such as quantum mechanics and nuclear forces. Coulomb's law breaks down in these scenarios where electrons occupy probability clouds and the strong nuclear force plays a significant role in binding nucleons.

How do you get a distance from coulomb laws?

You can calculate the distance between two charges using Coulomb's law by rearranging the formula: F = k * (q1 * q2) / r^2. Solving for distance (r) gives you: r = sqrt(k * (q1 * q2) / F) where k is the Coulomb constant, q1 and q2 are the charges, and F is the force between the charges.

What did Charles coulomb discover and when?

Charles Augustin de coulomb discovered the coulomb's law in the 1780s. and limestone 1820

Masses are to newtons gravitational law as charges are to what?

Charges are to Coulomb's law. Coulomb's law describes the electrostatic force between two charged particles, similar to how Newton's law of gravitation describes the gravitational force between two masses.