Stingrays are known to move relatively slowly in the water, gracefully gliding along using their wing-like pectoral fins. However, they can also move quickly when threatened or when chasing prey.
Opposite words like "fast" and "slow" can refer to the same speed in a relative sense. For example, a car moving at 50 mph might be considered "fast" compared to a runner, but "slow" compared to a racing car. The perception of speed is subjective and depends on the context in which it is being compared.
Stataneous speed refers to the speed of an object at a particular instant in time. The speed could be fast or slow depending on the object and context in which it is moving.
Speed. (not velocity)
as fast as a cheetah
try to get to the surface as fast as you can
Which year? Which options?
Stingrays are known to move relatively slowly in the water, gracefully gliding along using their wing-like pectoral fins. However, they can also move quickly when threatened or when chasing prey.
400-500 hp
not a fast but slow
slow-fast-slow (Apex)
209-311 mph
fast and slow
it goes 117-170 mph
209 mile per hour