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4mo ago

Scientific laws describe how a natural phenomenon behaves under certain conditions, based on repeated observations and experiments. They do not explain why a phenomenon occurs, but rather they provide mathematical relationships and generalizations that help predict outcomes. The "why" is typically answered by scientific theories, which offer explanations for the underlying causes and mechanisms behind the observed patterns described by the laws.

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Q: Is a scientific laws explain why something happens?
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Is the scientific law explain why something happens?

No, scientific laws describe what happens under certain conditions, based on repeated observations and experiments. They do not explain why things happen, but provide a framework for understanding and predicting natural phenomena.

Is scientific laws to explain why something happen?

Scientific laws describe regular patterns or relationships in nature, but they do not explain why these patterns occur. Laws are empirical generalizations based on repeated observations and experiments. Theories are what provide the explanatory framework for why these patterns or relationships exist.

Is it true scientific laws explain why something happens?

Scientific laws describe how natural phenomena behave consistently under certain conditions. They do not explain why things happen or the underlying mechanisms behind the observed behavior. Theories, on the other hand, provide explanations based on tested hypotheses and are used to understand the causes behind observed phenomena.

How would theory distinguish a scientific theory from a scientific law?

By not doing nothing

What is difference between a scientific theory and scientific law?

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence and has undergone rigorous testing and validation. A scientific law is a statement that describes a consistent and universal relationship observed in nature, typically expressed as a mathematical equation. While theories explain why something happens, laws describe what happens consistently under certain conditions.

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Is the scientific law explain why something happens?

No, scientific laws describe what happens under certain conditions, based on repeated observations and experiments. They do not explain why things happen, but provide a framework for understanding and predicting natural phenomena.

How are scientific theories and scientific laws the same?

a theory is explaining how something works, is made or happens and a law is what you can and cant do.

Is scientific laws to explain why something happen?

Scientific laws describe regular patterns or relationships in nature, but they do not explain why these patterns occur. Laws are empirical generalizations based on repeated observations and experiments. Theories are what provide the explanatory framework for why these patterns or relationships exist.

Is it true scientific laws explain why something happens?

Scientific laws describe how natural phenomena behave consistently under certain conditions. They do not explain why things happen or the underlying mechanisms behind the observed behavior. Theories, on the other hand, provide explanations based on tested hypotheses and are used to understand the causes behind observed phenomena.

What scientific laws can tell you about nature?

one of the laws that can help you find a law that can tell you about nature is the laws of heredity. These laws explain how genes are inherited, but do not explain how genes work.

How are scientific laws and theorys similair?

Both scientific laws and scientific theorys can be changed if something new comes up in the scientific world.

How are scientific theories scientific law similar?

Laws are consistent observations and always happen Theories are attempts to explain why certain laws are true.

How would theory distinguish a scientific theory from a scientific law?

By not doing nothing

Do scientific theories become scientific laws?

Scientific Laws are descriptions of certain phenomenon or class of phenomena of nature which are believed to be universal and invariant in time. And theories are collections of organized ideas, models which attempt to explain observations and relate them to other observations. Simply put, while a law states that something happens, a theory explains why and how something happens. Hope, this was somewhat helpful! Clear Skies! Edit: In addition, in science a Hypothesis becomes a theory when data from experiments supports the hypothesis. A theory becomes law after many repeated experiments fail to disprove the theory, and back up the initial findings.

What is difference between a scientific theory and scientific law?

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence and has undergone rigorous testing and validation. A scientific law is a statement that describes a consistent and universal relationship observed in nature, typically expressed as a mathematical equation. While theories explain why something happens, laws describe what happens consistently under certain conditions.

How does newtons law of gravitation explain Kepler's laws?

Kepler's Laws describe what happens. Newton's Laws describes what happens and why. The why is the theoretical explanation due to Gravity.