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Three half lives have elapsed. This can be determined by calculating how many times the original sample size must be halved to get to one eighth: (1/2) * (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/8.

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Q: Is a radioactive sample has decayed until only one eighth of the original sample remains unchanged how many half lives have elapsed?
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How can this be used to calculate the amount of a radioactive element compared to its original amount?

To calculate the amount of a radioactive element compared to its original amount, you need to use the radioactive decay equation: A = A₀ * e^(-λt), where A is the final amount, A₀ is the initial amount, λ is the decay constant, and t is the time elapsed. By plugging in the values for A₀, t, and λ, you can determine the final amount of the radioactive element.

If Astatine-218 has a half-life of 1.6 s Suppose you have a 1.2-g sample of astatine-218 How much of the sample remains unchanged after 6.4 seconds Explain how you solved the problem?

After 6.4 seconds, there would be 0.3g of the original sample of Astatine-218 remaining unchanged. This is calculated by dividing the time elapsed by the half-life to determine the number of half-lives passed (6.4 s ÷ 1.6 s = 4 half-lives), then using this to calculate the remaining amount (1.2 g ÷ 2^4 = 0.3 g).

How many half-lives have elapsed when the amount of a sample's Radioactive isotopes is reduced to 3.125 percent of the original amount in the sample?

Three half-lives have elapsed. This is because each half-life reduces the amount to half of its original value. So, after one half-life, the amount is reduced to 50%, then to 25% after two half-lives, and 12.5% after three half-lives, which is closest to 3.125%.

Is the velocity of an object always proportional to elapsed time?

No, the velocity of an object is not always proportional to elapsed time. Velocity is defined as the rate of change of an object's position with respect to time, so it can vary depending on factors like acceleration, deceleration, or changes in direction.

How much time elapsed before the ball reached its maximum height?

The time elapsed before the ball reached its maximum height is half of the total time it takes to go up and come back down. This is because the ball reaches its maximum height at the halfway point of its vertical motion.

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A particular element has a half-life of 27 days After 54 days have elapsed how much of the radioactive material is left?

1/4. After 27 days, half of the material will have decayed. After another 27 days half of the remaining material will have decayed. Half of half is 1/4.

How many of the 120 dice would NOT have decayed?

The answer depends on the rate of decay and the elapsed time.

How can this be used to calculate the amount of a radioactive element compared to its original amount?

To calculate the amount of a radioactive element compared to its original amount, you need to use the radioactive decay equation: A = A₀ * e^(-λt), where A is the final amount, A₀ is the initial amount, λ is the decay constant, and t is the time elapsed. By plugging in the values for A₀, t, and λ, you can determine the final amount of the radioactive element.

A particular element has a half life of 27 days after 54 days have elapsed how much of the radioactive material is left?

In one cycle, the material would be reduced to one half of the original, leaving one half of the material. In the second cycle (54/27 = 2), there would be 1/2 of that half, leaving 1/4 of the original material.

What happens to the mass of a radioactive isotope as it decays?

The mass of a radioactive isotope remains constant as it decays. However, the atomic nucleus can change due to the emissions of particles or energy, which can result in the isotope transforming into a different element.

If a radioactive sample has decayed until only one eighth of the original sample remains unchanged how many half-lives have elapsed?

This depends on the type of material. Uranium-238's half-life is 4,438,000,000 years. But the half-life of a material such as Radon-218 is only 35 ms. There is a great range of half-lives for a wide variety of isotopes, so it is impossible to generalize. If you're asking what a half-life is, it is the amount of time it takes for half of any quantity of a radioactive isotope to decay. So if you had a 10g pile of Uranium-238, after 4,438,000,000 years, only 5g of it would still be Uranium-238. The other half would've decayed.

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