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A pendulum is considered to be elastic because it converts potential energy into kinetic energy and back again without any energy loss due to friction or other dissipative forces. This means that the total mechanical energy of the pendulum remains constant throughout its motion.

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Q: Is a pendulum inelastic
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Is the collision between the ball and the pendulum elastic or unelastic?

The collision between the ball and the pendulum is typically an inelastic collision, where kinetic energy is not conserved because some of it is transformed into other forms of energy, such as sound or thermal energy. In an elastic collision, kinetic energy is conserved, which is not the case in this scenario.

Define simple pendulum?

A simple pendulum is a mass (called the bob) attached to a string or rod of fixed length that swings back and forth under the force of gravity. The motion of a simple pendulum is periodic and follows the laws of simple harmonic motion. The period of the pendulum (time for one complete swing) depends on the length of the string and the acceleration due to gravity.

Special cases of inelastic collision?

Special cases of inelastic collisions include perfectly inelastic collisions, where the two objects stick together after colliding, and partially inelastic collisions, where the objects deform and lose some kinetic energy after colliding. Additionally, explosions can be considered a special case of inelastic collisions, where objects separate and gain kinetic energy after the collision.

Why a compound pendulum is called equivalent simple pendulum?

Compound pendulum is a physical pendulum whereas a simple pendulum is ideal pendulum. The difference is that in simple pendulum centre of mass and centre of oscillation are at the same distance.

The weight on a pendulum is called?

The weight on a pendulum is called a bob or pendulum bob. It is a mass that hangs from the end of the pendulum arm and helps determine the period of oscillation.

Related questions

Why time periods is equal of pendulum?

A simple pendulum, ideally consists of a large mass suspended from a fixed point by an inelastic light string. These ensure that the length of the pendulum from the point of suspension to its centre of mass is constant. If the pendulum is given a small initial displacement, it undergoes simple harmonic motion (SHM). Such motion is periodic, that is, the time period for oscillations are the same.

What are the basic condition for the system to be called simple pendulum.?

what is the principle behind simple pendulum no because heavy body is suspended with light extensibe string.

Is the collision between the ball and the pendulum elastic or unelastic?

The collision between the ball and the pendulum is typically an inelastic collision, where kinetic energy is not conserved because some of it is transformed into other forms of energy, such as sound or thermal energy. In an elastic collision, kinetic energy is conserved, which is not the case in this scenario.

Define simple pendulum?

A simple pendulum is a mass (called the bob) attached to a string or rod of fixed length that swings back and forth under the force of gravity. The motion of a simple pendulum is periodic and follows the laws of simple harmonic motion. The period of the pendulum (time for one complete swing) depends on the length of the string and the acceleration due to gravity.

Is salt an elastic or inelastic product?


What concepts best describe the supply of housing?

Inelastic brainly agrees plus me

How do you determine if a collision was elastic inelastic or perfectly inelastic?

just check momentum before and after and if they're the same then elastic if not then inelastic.

Is bread elastic or inelastic?

Inelastic It is inelastic because it is a necessity, which is a factor that determines price elasticity, bread is a staple diet around the world which makes it a need and therefore a necessity which is inelastic.

What is inelastic?

Inelastic is something which is not flexible. You cannot stretch any inelastic product, whereas you can easily stretch the products which are flexible.There are two types of elasticities in economics.1. Elastic2. inelastic

Is the price and demand for junk food elastic or inelastic?


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is soap elastic or inelastic supply

What is the effect of mass on number of swings in pendulum experiment?

While we consider the pendulum experiment, we consider so many assumptions that the string is inelastic and there is no air friction to the movement of the bob. With all these, we derive the expression for the time period of the pendulum as T = 2 pi sqrt (l/g) Here, in no way, mass of the bob comes to the scene. So, mass of the bob does not have any effect on the time period or its reciprocal value, namely, frequency. ie number of swings in one second.