Well, isn't that a happy little question! A hair clip is usually made of metal, which is a good conductor of electricity. So, it would conduct electricity rather than insulate it. Just like how we blend colors on our canvas, it's important to understand the properties of materials around us.
Hair can be both a conductr and an insulator because whenu think about if you use a curlibg iron to curl your hair. heat is needed. To stay in the curls, hair must bg eboth a conductor and an isulator becasue otherwise hair would not be able t saty in this shape if heat was used to make this possible. The heat goesthrough the hair an dremains there for a while.
it is a fair conductor.
A hair pin is a conductor because it allows electricity to flow through it. Conductors are materials that have low resistance and can easily conduct electricity.
Its a insulator
A seashell is typically considered an insulator because it does not easily conduct electricity. The material of the seashell is not a good conductor of electricity due to its high resistance.
conductor. We just experimented in science last week.
conductor. We just experimented in science last week.
A metal paper clip is a conductor because metals generally have a high conductivity, allowing electric charges to flow through them easily.
Brass is a metal that conducts electricity. Therefore, a brass paper clip is a conductor.
That depends on the material. If it's made of metal (which is usually the case), it will be a good conductor both of electricity and of heat.
It is an insulator
is a pen a insulator of conductor
is water conductor or insulator