Well, honey, a domino is a classic example of a class 1 lever. The force (effort) is applied to one end, causing a rotation around a fixed point (fulcrum), and the other end moves the load (domino). So, next time you line up those dominoes, just remember you're basically playing with physics!
An axe is a type of lever known as a class 1 lever. In a class 1 lever, the fulcrum is located between the effort (in this case, your hand on the handle) and the load (the wood being chopped).
Scissors are typically classified as a type of double lever, where the two blades act as the lever arms with the pivot point being the screw that holds them together.
A ladle is a type of lever known as a class 3 lever. In this type of lever, the effort (force applied) is located between the fulcrum (pivot point) and the load (object being lifted). This allows for controlled pouring and scooping of liquids or other substances.
A spanner is a type of lever, specifically a class 1 lever. It helps to multiply the force applied in turning objects like nuts and bolts by increasing the length of the lever arm.
Well, honey, a domino is a classic example of a class 1 lever. The force (effort) is applied to one end, causing a rotation around a fixed point (fulcrum), and the other end moves the load (domino). So, next time you line up those dominoes, just remember you're basically playing with physics!
go to youtube and type in domino knit and there should be a video that has green squares
lock and key is the lever of second type
A dustpan is a 2nd class lever
A lever type can opener
first class lever
3rd Class Lever
3rd Class Lever
Never heard of a "lever lawn mower"
The third class lever is the most common lever in the body.
type 1