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We see electricity in nature through phenomena such as lightning, which is a discharge of electrical energy in the atmosphere. Electric eels and some other animals can also generate electricity through specialized cells in their bodies. Electromagnetic fields created by the Earth and the sun also demonstrate the presence of electricity in nature.

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Q: In what ways we see electricity in nature?
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Who discovered electricity not static electricity?

Benjamin Franklin is credited with discovering electricity in the form of lightning, not static electricity. In 1752, he famously conducted his kite experiment during a thunderstorm to demonstrate the electrical nature of lightning.

How many ways can the sun help us produce electricity?

The sun can help us produce electricity in two main ways: through solar photovoltaic panels, which directly convert sunlight into electricity; and through solar thermal systems, which use sunlight to heat a fluid to generate electricity.

What are the 3 ways we can generate static electricity?

Frictional contact, induction, and triboelectric effect are three ways static electricity can be generated. Rubbing two materials together, separating them after contact, or charging an object by bringing it close to a charged object can all result in the buildup of static electricity.

What is the chemical source of electricity?

Electricity can be generated in a variety of ways, not all of which are chemical in nature, but burning coal is one commonly used method; batteries are also chemical sources of electricity, but there are many different kinds of batteries involving many different kinds of chemical reactions. Broadly speaking, electricity is generated with some form of "redox" or reduction-oxidation type of reaction.

How many ways to measure electricity?

Electricity can be measured in a variety of ways, including voltage (measured in volts), current (measured in amperes), resistance (measured in ohms), power (measured in watts), and energy consumption (measured in kilowatt-hours). Each of these measurements provides different types of information about the flow and usage of electricity in a system.

Related questions

Is there electricitty in nature?

There is static and ligning electricity in nature.

How has electricity change the ways you live?

how has electricity changed yhe ways you live

Is electricity a physical science?

Electricity is from the sky. Sky is part of nature. Nature is part of science. Therefore electricity is related to science. Simple.

What if electricity has not been invented?

Electricity was not invented it was discovered. Electricity is a natural part of nature.....look at lightning, that is electricity.

Ways in conserving electricity?

Is using less Electricity

What do you call electricity that nature produces?

Well, there is atmospheric electricity (aka lightning) and static electricity.

What is the nature forms of electricity?


Form of electricity found in nature?

Static electricity is a form of electricity found in nature, created by the imbalance of positive and negative charges in an object. Lightning is another form of electricity found in nature, generated by the buildup and discharge of electrical energy in thunderstorms.

What kind of electricity did Ben Franklin study?

He determined that electricity was natural in nature.

What causes electricity short answer?

In nature there are two types of electricity positive and negative

What best describe electricity?

Electricity is an electromagnetic phenomenon possibly spiritual in nature

How was electricity first invented?

Electricity was not "invented". It is a natural phenomenon which is around us in nature. The real question is how it was discovered and how it was first contained, or controlled. To see more information, refer to the related question below.