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Renewable energy sources are derived from natural processes that are continuously replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water. In contrast, nonrenewable energy sources, like fossil fuels, are finite and will eventually run out. Renewable energy is also more sustainable and environmentally friendly compared to nonrenewable energy sources, which produce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to climate change.

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Q: In what way does renewable energy differ from nonrenewable energy?
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What is the major difference between renewable or nonrenewable resources?

Renewable resources can be created artificially by mankind by using energy of some kind. Nonrenewable resources cannot be recreated in any way by humans

Is hydropower nonrenewable?

No, hydropower is considered a renewable energy source because it relies on the natural water cycle to generate energy. It does not deplete or use up resources in the same way as nonrenewable energy sources like fossil fuels.

What are 3 renewable energy resources and 3 non renewable energy resources?

Three renewable resources of energy are:solar energy,hydro energy, andwind energy.Three non-renewable sources are Fossil fuels:CoalOilNatural gas.

Why is solar energy a nonrenewable resource?

Solar energy is a renewable resource, not a nonrenewable one. Solar energy comes from the sun, which is an abundant and continually replenished source of energy. It is considered renewable because it will not run out in our lifetime.

How are renewable and nonrenewable energy alike?

Renewable energy sources use various non petroleum, non wood, non peat, non nuclear sources for fuel energy, typically to produce electricity. Petroleum, wood, peat, and nuclear energy are non renewable sources because they can be depleted faster than they can be replaced. The main way these energy sources are alike is they are all used to produce electricity.

Is an old growth tree renewable or nonrenewable?

its renewable because it can grow back if u cut it half way n keep watering it.

Is charcoal renewable or nonrenewable?

it is renewable if you plant a tree every time u cut it down and nonrenewable if just keep like the way it is like just keep a tree stup there

Why are non renewable resources bad?

Nonrenewable resources are bad in the way that they cannot be used again. For example, gasoline is a nonrenewable resource. Once we use it all, it is gone. Paper, on the other hand, is renewable. We can recycle paper and use it again and again and again.

Is platinum renewable or nonrenewable?

Platinum is classified as nonrenewable because it is a naturally occurring metal that is extracted from the Earth's crust. It is a finite resource that cannot be easily replenished in a human lifetime.

How Is renewable energy harmful?

Renewable energy is not really harmful in any way. When it is turned into electricity it can kill you, like all electricity.

What is nonrenewable and renewable?

renewable is a way of saying something is reusable, nonrenewable is not reusable renewable means that the resource or object will replenish itself often or as fast as we use it up. for instance a tree would be a renewable resource because it grows inour lifetime it does't grow very fast to us but compared to coal it grows very fast. nonrenewable means that it does not replenish itself quickly or doesn't at all so for instance coal takes thousands of years to form and you will never see it start to finish unless you live for thousands of millions of years.

Which of the following is a non-renewable energy resource?

CoalOilNatural gasUranium (nuclear)Rainforest timberThese are ALL non-renewable sources of energy.