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In African art, a shiny or smooth surface is associated with spiritual purity, beauty, and divine presence. It reflects the idea of inner radiance and a connection to the supernatural world.

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Q: In most African artworks including sculptures and masks artists make the entire surface shiny or smooth. With what do Africans associate this type of surface?
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In most african artworks including sculptures and masks artists make the entire surface shiny or smooth With what do africans associate this type of surface?

Africans often associate a shiny or smooth surface in art with spiritual purity, beauty, and divinity. The reflective quality is thought to attract positive energy and symbolize cultural values such as enlightenment and perfection.

What medium does bansky use?

Banksy primarily works with stencil art, spray paint, and other street art techniques to create his artworks. He often incorporates political and social commentary in his pieces, which have gained international recognition.

When was From the Darkness into the Light created?

"From the Darkness into the Light" can refer to different works in various forms such as books, songs, or artworks. Please provide more specific details or context for a precise answer.

Where did Walangkura napanananaka work?

Walangkura Napanangka was an Australian Aboriginal artist from the Papunya Tula art movement. She lived and worked in Kintore, a remote Indigenous community in the Northern Territory of Australia. Her artworks are highly regarded for their vibrant colors and intricate dot work.

What is holography?

Holography is a technique that enables the creation of three-dimensional images using the interference pattern of light waves. These images, known as holograms, appear three-dimensional when viewed from different angles. Holography has a wide range of applications including security elements on credit cards, artworks, and medical imaging.

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In most african artworks including sculptures and masks artists make the entire surface shiny or smooth With what do africans associate this type of surface?

Africans often associate a shiny or smooth surface in art with spiritual purity, beauty, and divinity. The reflective quality is thought to attract positive energy and symbolize cultural values such as enlightenment and perfection.

How do you spell sculptuers?

The correct spelling of the plural noun is sculptures(three-dimensional artworks).

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The plural noun meaning artists who sculpt is "sculptors" and the artworks they create are "sculptures."

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Pyramids are ancient structures with triangular sides that converge at a point, typically used as tombs or temples. Sculptures are three-dimensional artworks created by shaping or carving materials such as stone, wood, or metal to depict a person, animal, or object.

How many artworks did Henri Matisse paint?

I dont know i dont think he done any at all.

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Bronze casting is a traditional artistic technique that involves creating sculptures and objects by pouring molten bronze into molds, resulting in intricate and durable metal artworks.

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In most depictions, Apollo is not shown with a beard. Ancient Greek sculptures and artworks typically portray him as clean-shaven or with minimal facial hair.

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At his death in 1983, on the 25th of December, we were left with an impressive number of works: 2000 oil paintings, 500 sculptures, 400 ceramic objects and 5000 drawings and collages.

When do you use 'artworks' in a sentence?

The artworks were hung carefully in the gallery. There were many artworks for sale in the park that Sunday.

Are the major themes of paintings sculptures plays and stories from Mexico about their religion?

Of course; most Mexican art from 1521 to 1861 has religious motifs, including paintings of saints, religious personalities or biblical scenes. Due to religious syncretism (adapting Christianity to pre-hispanic beliefs), Mexico has many churches dedicated to individual saints, being the most important Our Lady of Guadalupe, the most celebrated icon of the Virgin Mary in Mexico, and she has many artworks dedicated to her, including poems, paintings and sculptures; the most important painting is the one found in the Guadalupe Basilica, located in Mexico City.On the other hand, if you mean if today's major artworks are derived from religion, no they aren't. Today's Mexican art has more focus on modern themes such as politics, economy or ecologic themes.Please follow the related links for some examples.

How many pieces of art did pablo pacasso make?

The total number of artworks he produced has been estimated at 50,000, comprising 1,885 paintings; 1,228 sculptures; 2,880 ceramics, roughly 12,000 drawings, many thousands of prints, and numerous tapestries and rugs. -Cham11

What do people do when they art critique?

A.They discuss and form opinions about artworks.