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Statically induced emf is produced by the relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field, while dynamically induced emf is generated due to a change in the magnetic field strength experienced by a conductor. Statically induced emf does not require any physical movement of the conductor, while dynamically induced emf is produced when the magnetic field changes over time.

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Q: In colomn answer of difference between statically indused emf and dynamicaly indused emf?
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Does motional emf call induced emf?

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Why Non metalic gland plate is required for single co?

Dear... As we know that acable carrying alternating current has a alternating magnetic field (Flux)surrounding it. And also we know that when a magnetic flux linked with magnetic material changes, an emf is indused in it which circulates a current in it provided a closed path. Now in case of three core cable or 3.5 core cables, the net magnetic field prodused by all pahses ( and nutral ) due to currents, sum to zero. But in case of single core cable it has a net flux surrounding it. which if linked with MS ( magnetic Gland palate) will induce eddy currents in it which may result i heating of glands and successivelly failure of insulation of cable due to heat. So in case of single core cables, aluminum (non magnetic) gland plate is used)... Hope this will be sufficient to convince you... anuj rawat

How did Ryan Dunn die I think it was from a crash?

Yes he did he had a passenger and they both where drunk he was going over 130mph the car went through the guardrail and the car exploded they found out who he was by the tattoos the passenger was Zachery Hartwell we will always miss them but it was there fault