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Yes, in a physical change, the arrangement or state of the particles in a substance can change, but the chemical composition and fundamental properties remain the same. Examples of physical changes include changes in state (solid to liquid), size, shape, or phase transitions.

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Q: In a physical change some of the substances in a material change but the properties if the material stay the same?
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What are the products of physical change?

The products of a physical change are substances that have the same chemical composition as the original material, but their physical properties may have changed. Examples of physical changes include changes in shape, size, texture, and state of matter (solid, liquid, gas).

Are materials changed when phyical properties are measured?

No, measuring the physical properties of a material does not change the material itself. The properties being observed, such as mass, volume, density, or color, are characteristics of the material and do not alter its composition.

Does not change a substances identity physical or chemical change?

A physical change does not alter a substance's chemical composition; it only affects its physical properties like shape, size, or state of matter. Examples include melting, freezing, or boiling.

Use the word physical properties in a sentence?

The melting point and density are examples of physical properties used to identify and characterize different substances in a laboratory setting.

How are chemical and physical properties related?

Chemical properties are related to how substances interact with other substances to form new substances, while physical properties are related to how a substance looks, feels, or behaves without forming new substances. Both types of properties are intrinsic to a substance and can help determine its identity and behavior in different conditions. Understanding both chemical and physical properties is essential for studying and predicting the behavior of substances in various scenarios.

Related questions

What evidences a physical change?

"A physical change occurs when some of the properties of a material change, but the substances in the material remain the same." "...any actions that change the size and shape of a material, but not its composition." if the shape/form is changed but not its makeup, then that change is physical

What happens when you mix two substances?

You get a mixture.

What type of change occurs when substances show new properties?

A chemical change occurs when substances show new properties. This involves a rearrangement of atoms leading to the formation of new chemical bonds, resulting in the creation of a new substance with different properties than the original substances.

Is it a physical change or a chemical change when substances combine to make new substances with new properties?

Chemical change.

When two substances react to from a new matriel with different properties a change has occurred?

Yes, a chemical change has occurred when two substances react to form a new material with different properties. In a chemical reaction, the arrangement of atoms is altered, resulting in the formation of new bonds and different chemical properties in the resulting substance. This is different from a physical change where no new substances are formed.

What is produced by a chemical change?

Unlike a physical change, a chemical change produces new substances with properties different from those of the original substances.

Does a change in substances and properties go with physical change?

no, if it's a substance change then it's a chemical change. If it were a physical change then it would be the same substance

Physical properties such as size and magnetism can be used to?

identify and characterize substances in chemistry. Size can be determined using techniques like microscopy, while magnetism can be tested using a magnet to see if a material is attracted or repelled. These properties help scientists understand the composition and behavior of substances.

What Are Two Physical Properties That can vary even when the substances with these properties does not change?

Color/smell or freezing/ boiling point.

When substances are formed that are different from the starting substances has physical change occurred?

No, a physical change refers to a change in the form or appearance of a substance without any change in its chemical composition. If new substances are formed with different chemical properties, then a chemical change has occurred, not a physical change.

A change in which substances change into new substances that is not reversible?

A chemical change. This involves the formation of new substances with different properties from the original substances. Unlike physical changes, chemical changes are typically not reversible by simple physical means.

A collection of matter made of substances that stay separate and keep their properties is a?

A physical change, and a chemical change.