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The minimum initial speed for a projectile to escape Earth's gravitational pull (escape velocity) is about 11.2 km/s. This speed is independent of the mass of the projectile and is based on the balance between the projectile's kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy. Any speed greater than the escape velocity will allow the projectile to escape Earth's gravitational pull.

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Q: Ignoring air resistance what is the minimum initial speed a projectile must have at the Earths surface if the projectile is to escape the Earths gravitational pull?
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What is the horizontal displacement of a projectile?

The horizontal displacement of a projectile is the distance traveled by the projectile along the horizontal axis from its initial position to its final position. It is affected by the initial velocity of the projectile and the time it spends in motion. The horizontal displacement can be calculated using the equation: Horizontal displacement = initial velocity * time.

What are factors that affects the range of a projectile?

The factors that affect the range of a projectile include the initial velocity, the angle of launch, air resistance, and gravity. Increasing the initial velocity and launching the projectile at a shallower angle can increase the range, while air resistance and gravity can decrease the range.

What factors affect the motion of a projectile launched harizontally?

The factors affecting the motion of a projectile launched horizontally include the initial velocity of the projectile, the gravitational acceleration acting downward, and the absence of air resistance. The horizontal velocity remains constant throughout the motion, while the vertical motion is influenced by gravity, causing the projectile to follow a curved path.

What factors influence the range of a projectile?

The range of a projectile is influenced by factors such as the initial velocity, launch angle, air resistance, and gravity. A higher initial velocity and a shallower launch angle typically result in a longer range. Air resistance can decrease the range, while gravity affects the projectile's trajectory.

What are the factors which determine the distance that a projectile will travel?

Factors that determine the distance a projectile will travel include the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle of projection, air resistance, gravity, and the mass and shape of the projectile. Higher initial velocity, lower air resistance, a shallow angle of projection, and a projectile with less mass and streamlined shape tend to result in longer distances.

Related questions

What is the horizontal displacement of a projectile?

The horizontal displacement of a projectile is the distance traveled by the projectile along the horizontal axis from its initial position to its final position. It is affected by the initial velocity of the projectile and the time it spends in motion. The horizontal displacement can be calculated using the equation: Horizontal displacement = initial velocity * time.

What makes up a projectile motion?

Some of the factors that determine the movements of a projectile include: air resistance, force of gravity, initial launch velocity, the angle a projectile was launched at, and the objects initial elevation.

What are factors that affects the range of a projectile?

The factors that affect the range of a projectile include the initial velocity, the angle of launch, air resistance, and gravity. Increasing the initial velocity and launching the projectile at a shallower angle can increase the range, while air resistance and gravity can decrease the range.

What factors affect the motion of a projectile launched harizontally?

The factors affecting the motion of a projectile launched horizontally include the initial velocity of the projectile, the gravitational acceleration acting downward, and the absence of air resistance. The horizontal velocity remains constant throughout the motion, while the vertical motion is influenced by gravity, causing the projectile to follow a curved path.

What factors influence the range of a projectile?

The range of a projectile is influenced by factors such as the initial velocity, launch angle, air resistance, and gravity. A higher initial velocity and a shallower launch angle typically result in a longer range. Air resistance can decrease the range, while gravity affects the projectile's trajectory.

What are the factors which determine the distance that a projectile will travel?

Factors that determine the distance a projectile will travel include the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle of projection, air resistance, gravity, and the mass and shape of the projectile. Higher initial velocity, lower air resistance, a shallow angle of projection, and a projectile with less mass and streamlined shape tend to result in longer distances.

What are the factors influencing projectile motion?

The key factors influencing projectile motion are the initial velocity of the object, the angle at which it is launched, the gravitational force acting on it, and the air resistance it encounters. The initial velocity and launch angle determine the horizontal and vertical components of the projectile's motion, while gravity affects its vertical motion by pulling it downward. Air resistance can also impact the projectile's trajectory by slowing it down as it travels through the air.

How does initial velocity affect the projectile in range?

The initial velocity of a projectile affects its range by determining how far the projectile will travel horizontally before hitting the ground. A higher initial velocity will result in a longer range because the projectile has more speed to overcome air resistance and travel further. Conversely, a lower initial velocity will result in a shorter range as the projectile doesn't travel as far before hitting the ground.

What is the formula for a horizontal launched projectile?

The formula for the horizontal distance traveled by a horizontally launched projectile is: range = initial velocity * time. This formula assumes that there is no air resistance and that the projectile is launched horizontally.

What minimum initial velocity must a projectile have to reach a target 90km away?

The minimum initial velocity required for a projectile to reach a target 90 km away depends on the angle at which the projectile is launched, as well as the effects of air resistance and other factors. A common approach is to use projectile motion equations to determine the initial velocity needed for the projectile to cover the horizontal distance of 90 km in the given conditions.

What do need to know to determine how far projectile travels horizontally?

To determine how far a projectile travels horizontally, you need to know the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it was launched, and the acceleration due to gravity. Using these values, you can calculate the horizontal distance traveled using the projectile motion equations.

Is a projectile velocity the highest velocity that can be reached?

No, a projectile velocity is the initial velocity at which a projectile is launched. The highest velocity a projectile can reach depends on factors such as air resistance, gravity, and propulsion force. In some cases, the velocity of a projectile can increase or decrease after it is launched.