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You can run on solar energy because the sun helps plants make their food and give humans O2. You eat the plant (like a carrot or cabbage) and breath O2 to live. You need solar energy to start your day with O2 and veggies.

Yes, we do run on solar energy. It is possible we run on solar energy because when you eat food like a slice of bread or a baked potato, you consume the energy stored by the plant.

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4mo ago

It is not possible for the human body to run on solar energy as we do not have the physiological mechanisms to convert sunlight directly into energy like plants do through photosynthesis. Instead, our bodies rely on food consumption to provide the energy needed for functioning.

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Why did Oliver headley invent solar energy?

Oliver Headley did not invent solar energy. Solar energy is a natural form of energy that comes from the sun. Researchers and scientists have been working on harnessing solar energy for various applications, but it was not invented by one person.

An energy source that won't ever run out is called?

An energy source that never runs out would be called: Impossible. There is no such thing as an energy source that will never run out otherwise it would break the Laws of Thermodynamics and we would all be in big trouble. Renewable energy sources are based on things like wind power, solar power which we expect will last longer than the human species.

Wind and water energy are both indirect forms of what kind of energy?

solar energy Try kinetic energy - moving force In direct terms, wind and water both provide kinetic energy which can be converted into electricity. However, wind and water have that kinetic energy because of warmth that the sun provides (causing air to expand creating areas of high and low pressure - wind; by evaporating water, forming clouds which then redistribute the water as rain and snow which eventually runs off as a river). Thus, wind and water are both INDIRECT forms of solar energy

What is the energy change in high jumping?

In high jumping, the energy change involves the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy as the athlete runs and jumps over the bar. The athlete's muscles generate the kinetic energy needed to overcome gravity and propel the body upwards. At the peak of the jump, the kinetic energy is converted back into potential energy before the athlete descends.

What is potential energy converted into as water runs over a waterfall?

Potential energy of the water is converted into kinetic energy as it runs over a waterfall, resulting in the movement and force of the flowing water.

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Is there an air conditioner that runs on solar energy?

There are no air conditioner's here currently available that run only on solar energy.

Is the sun's energy solar energy?

The sun gives off solar energy, but the sun runs on chemical/nuclear reactions, fusion, converting hydrogen-1 to helium-4.

When people started to use the solar energy?

Solar energy has been in continual use since the earliest days of our planet. Anything that grows runs on solar energy. The earliest men understood that the sunlight was necessary for things to grow, and later, to help dry food for preservation. That's "solar energy".

Why does driving a car use solar energy?

It could be argued that the gasoline it runs on was obtained from oil. This is the remains of ancient plants and organisms dependent on solar energy to grow.

How is hydroelectric power an indirect form of solar energy?

Because solar energy runs the water cycle, giving rise to precipitation, and then the rain water flows into the reservoirs of dams.

What word describes an energy like wind or solar that never runs out?

Renewable, or inexhaustible.

Why is solar energy considered reneweable?

solar energy will never run out because, the sun never runs out of energy.

Will solar energy run out?

No, solar energy will not run out as long as the sun continues to shine, which is estimated to be for billions of years. Solar energy is a renewable resource that can be harnessed for electricity generation through solar panels.

Why did Oliver headley invent solar energy?

Oliver Headley did not invent solar energy. Solar energy is a natural form of energy that comes from the sun. Researchers and scientists have been working on harnessing solar energy for various applications, but it was not invented by one person.

What does the body use for energy when you have no carb intake?

When there is no carbohydrate intake the body runs on fats

How do cigarettes interfere with the body's nonspecific defense system?

it runs out your energy

What makes a solar car solar?

It has these plates that absorb the thermal energy that radiats off the sun, then the car turns that energy into some type of fuel to run off of. They use the UV radiation from the sun to create electric power. These are very light and dangerous cars that are only used for experimental purposes or as toys. They are not useful for day to day transportation. No car company currently makes a useful auto that runs on solar and the energy available will probably keep this from being a possible situation.