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In orbit your weight is zero.

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In orbit, you would not exert any force on a scale since you are in free fall. This is because both you and the scale would be experiencing the same gravitational force, causing you to float weightlessly.

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Q: If you were in orbit how much force would you exert on a scale?
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How much force would you exert on a scale if you were in orbit?

In orbit, you would feel weightless because you are in free fall towards Earth, experiencing only the force of gravity. As a result, you would not exert any force on a scale because there is no solid surface pushing back against your weight.

What force would the scale exert on a 53 kg person standing on it?

The scale would exert a force equal to the weight of the person, which is the product of the person's mass and the acceleration due to gravity. So, the scale would exert a force of approximately 520 Newtons (N) on a 53 kg person standing on it (assuming g ≈ 9.81 m/s^2).

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Out of the Sun Earth the Moon and a Book which one exert the stronget gravitational force on you?

The Earth exerts the greatest gravitational force on you because it is the most massive object you are closest to. The Earth exerts a force equal to your weight. The other objects exert gravitational forces but are not very noticeable because they are either low in mass or separated from you by great distance.

How much force does one exert when lifting an object?

The force would be the weight of the object.

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A liquid with higher density will exert a greater buoyant force. This is because buoyant force is proportional to the density of the liquid displaced by the object.

Is the force that objects exert on each other because of their masses?

That would be "Gravity".

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The force the skateboard exerts on you would be equal and opposite to the force you exert on the skateboard, according to Newton's third law. Therefore, the skateboard would exert a force of 60N on you.

Why does an object in orbit needs a centripetal force act?

An object in orbit needs a centripetal force to keep it moving in a circular path. Gravity provides this centripetal force, pulling the object towards the center of the orbit. Without this force, the object would continue in a straight line tangent to the orbit.

Is there a force without any field?

All of the fundamental types of force can be mathematically described in the form of force fields. But force involves many things. If I throw a ball, I exert force on that ball which is then accelerated as a result. The force field involved is far from obvious, although it does exist. If you understand the physics deeply, you would see that in order for me to exert a force on a ball, the electrons in the atoms in my hand have to exert a force of repulsion on the electrons in the atoms of the ball. And that electromagnetic force can be described as a force field.

What information is needed to calculate the force that a hydraulic cylinder can exert?

To calculate the force that a hydraulic cylinder can exert, you would need to know the hydraulic pressure being applied to the cylinder and the effective area of the piston inside the cylinder. The formula to calculate the force is force = pressure x area.

Whenever you exert a force on an object the object exerts a force back on you that is?

Simple answer: yes In order for you to stand, talk, move... ect objects must exert a force on you. For example if you are standing on the ground, the ground has to be pushing back at you, or you would just fall through. If an object doesn't exert the same force you exert on it, then you are moving the object.