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8mo ago

Assuming the spring obeys Hooke's Law, we can use the formula F = kx, where F is the force, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement. Since the spring is stretched by 2cm (or 0.02m) when supporting a 1kg load, we can calculate the spring constant k. With a 1kg load, F = 1kg * 9.8m/s^2 = 9.8N. Therefore, k = F / x = 9.8N / 0.02m = 490N/m. Now, for a 3kg load, F = 3kg * 9.8m/s^2 = 29.4N. Using the spring constant k = 490N/m, we can rewrite F = kx as 29.4N = 490N/m * x. Solving for x, we find that the spring will be stretched by 0.06m (or 6cm) when supporting a 3kg load.

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Q: If the weight of a 1kg body streches a spring by 2cm how much will the spring be streched when it supports a 3kg load?
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