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Unequal volumes of water will be displaced. The water test only shows the volume of something, not the mass.

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The object with the larger volume will displace more water when dipped in water, making it more buoyant. As a result, the balance will be disrupted, and the larger volume object will float while the smaller volume object will sink.

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Q: If the two equal weight of unequal volume are balanced in air what will happen when these are completely dipped in water?
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Do balanced forces of unequal strengths cancel out each other?

No, balanced forces of unequal strengths do not cancel each other out. Balanced forces occur when two forces of equal strength act in opposite directions, resulting in no change in the object's motion. If forces of unequal strength act on an object in opposite directions, they will not cancel out, and the object will accelerate in the direction of the stronger force.

Does balanced forces or unbalanced forces cancels out one another?

Balanced forces cancel each other out because they are equal in size and opposite in direction, resulting in no change in an object's motion. Unbalanced forces, however, do not cancel out and result in a change in an object's motion.

What has to happen for forces to be balanced?

Forces are balanced when the net force acting on an object is zero. This means that all the individual forces acting on the object are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. When forces are balanced, the object remains at rest or moves at a constant velocity.

When will acceleration happen?

Acceleration occurs when an object changes its velocity, either by speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction. It can happen when a force is applied to the object, causing it to accelerate in the direction of the force.

Would happen if the normal force and gravitational force acting on an object were unequal?

If the normal force and gravitational force acting on an object were unequal, the object would either accelerate or decelerate in the direction of the net force. If the normal force is greater, the object will move upwards; if the gravitational force is greater, the object will move downwards.

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Do balanced forces of unequal strengths cancel out each other?

No, balanced forces of unequal strengths do not cancel each other out. Balanced forces occur when two forces of equal strength act in opposite directions, resulting in no change in the object's motion. If forces of unequal strength act on an object in opposite directions, they will not cancel out, and the object will accelerate in the direction of the stronger force.

What will happen to clown dipped in bleach?

It will turn into a mime.

What will happen to the different indicators when dipped with acids and with bases?

When indicators are dipped in acids, they will change color to indicate acidity, usually turning red or orange. In contrast, when indicators are dipped in bases, they will change color to indicate alkalinity, usually turning blue or purple. This color change is due to the shift in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution.

What will happen if copper dipped in a vinegar?

Copper reacts with the oxidilized copper on the penny.

What might happen if the radiation balance became unequal?

The earth would end

What would happen if you didn't find the volume for a shape?

Everything would be unequal and crooked.

What kind of wind is caused by unequal heating in a small area?

A backdraft. This can happen in a chimney over a fireplace.

What would happen if aluminum was dipped into a zinc nitrate solution?

the hydrogen's chlorine will be transferred to zinc forming a bubbles

A polygon with all right angles and all sides unequal in length?

All sides unequal in length? You're not going to get this in planar geometry. You might get it in spherical, but you cannot get a flat shape to have all the same angle, yet have all unequal sides. It's not going to happen. â– 

What happen when the biotic and abiotic factors are balanced?

When biotic and abiotic factors are balanced, ecosystems tend to be more stable and sustainable. This balance helps ensure that organisms have access to resources they need to survive and thrive without excessive competition or stress. Overall, a harmonious relationship between biotic and abiotic factors supports biodiversity and ecosystem health.

What happen when blue litmus paper dipped in soap solution?

If blue litmus paper is dipped in a soap solution, it is likely to turn red. This change in color indicates that the soap solution is likely acidic in nature.

What will happen if you will not eat banana?

If your diet is decently varied and balanced to start with - nothing.