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If the sum of all the forces on a ball is zero, the ball is either at rest or moving at a constant velocity in a straight line, according to Newton's First Law of Motion. This state is known as equilibrium, where the net force acting on the ball is balanced and there is no acceleration.

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Q: If the sum of all the forces on a ball is zerowhat is the ball doing?
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If the sum of all the forces on a ball is zero what is the ball doing?

If the sum of all the forces acting on a ball is zero, the ball is in a state of equilibrium. This means the ball is either at rest or moving at a constant velocity in a straight line.

What is net force?

Net force is the overall force acting on an object, taking into account all the individual forces that are acting on it. It is calculated by summing up all the forces and considering their direction and magnitude. Net force determines the object's acceleration and ultimately its motion.

When a ball is at rest all the forces acting on it are?

When a ball is at rest, the forces acting on it are balanced. This means that the force of gravity pulling the ball down is exactly counteracted by the normal force pushing up on the ball from the surface it rests on. As a result, the net force on the ball is zero, and it remains at rest.

What are some other forces that affect a ball?

Air resistance, gravity, friction with the ground, and the impact force from a collision with another object are all forces that can affect the motion of a ball.

When a ball is tossed straight up it momentarily comes to a stop at the top of its path Are there any forces acting on the ball at this point?

Yes, at the top of its path, the ball experiences a momentary change in direction and velocity, which means that there are forces acting on it. The two forces at play are the gravitational force pulling the ball down and the normal force exerted by the surface on the ball.

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If the sum of all the forces on a ball is zreo what is the ball doing?

It is moving with uniform velocity - which could be zero.

If the sum of all the forces on a ball is zero what is the ball doing?

If the sum of all the forces acting on a ball is zero, the ball is in a state of equilibrium. This means the ball is either at rest or moving at a constant velocity in a straight line.

What is net force?

Net force is the overall force acting on an object, taking into account all the individual forces that are acting on it. It is calculated by summing up all the forces and considering their direction and magnitude. Net force determines the object's acceleration and ultimately its motion.

How do nurses keep from doing the wrong thing?

They study before getting started on what they do they forces on what they are doing and thats all there doing

When a ball is at rest all the forces acting on it are?

When a ball is at rest, the forces acting on it are balanced. This means that the force of gravity pulling the ball down is exactly counteracted by the normal force pushing up on the ball from the surface it rests on. As a result, the net force on the ball is zero, and it remains at rest.

What are some other forces that affect a ball?

Air resistance, gravity, friction with the ground, and the impact force from a collision with another object are all forces that can affect the motion of a ball.

When a ball is tossed straight up it momentarily comes to a stop at the top of its path Are there any forces acting on the ball at this point?

Yes, at the top of its path, the ball experiences a momentary change in direction and velocity, which means that there are forces acting on it. The two forces at play are the gravitational force pulling the ball down and the normal force exerted by the surface on the ball.

What job uses forces and motion?

a footballer uses forces when he's kicking the ball

What are all the objects in the universe doing?

They are just sitting there, moving and changing according to the forces that are acting on them.

What are the types of forces that occur during a tennis ball game?

Federa, Nadal, Williams, are all quite forceful

What would happen to the velocity of a ball if you threw it in outer space away from all forces?

it will not fall because the gravity is not present.

Is there any unbalanced forces acting on a bouncing ball?

Yes, there are unbalanced forces acting on a bouncing ball. When the ball is in contact with the ground, the force of gravity acts downward, while the ground exerts an equal and opposite force upward, causing the ball to bounce back up.