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If the professor lacked movement towards or away from the nucleus, her suit would have become neutral in charge. This is because movement is required to generate a net charge on an object, such as picking up or losing electrons to become charged. Without movement, there would be no change in the distribution of charges and the suit would remain neutral.

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Q: If the professor had lacked movement toward or away from the nucleusWhat would the charge on her suit have been?
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How did Aristotle's idea of matter differ from that of scientists?

Aristotle believed matter was continuous and unchanging, while scientists view matter as composed of discrete particles and subject to change. Aristotle's concept of matter lacked the atomic nature described by scientists later on.

Why did people ignore Democritus's ideas for such long time?

Democritus's atomic theory was ignored for a long time because it lacked experimental evidence and was overshadowed by other competing schools of thought such as Aristotle's philosophy. Additionally, Democritus's ideas were considered too radical and not widely understood during his time.

Proposed that matter was made of tiny indivisible particles He called these units atoms He did not have evidence to support his theory?

The proposed individual indivisible particles were atoms, and this idea laid the foundation for modern atomic theory. Although he lacked experimental evidence at the time, subsequent scientific discoveries have validated the existence of atoms as building blocks of matter.

How did Aristotle idea of matter differ from that of scientists?

Aristotle believed that matter was continuous and lacked empty spaces, while scientists today understand matter to be composed of atoms and molecules with spaces between them. Additionally, Aristotle viewed matter as having inherent qualities and tendencies, whereas modern science explains matter in terms of interactions between fundamental particles governed by physical laws.

Why the light bulbs were not invented earlier?

The development of light bulbs took time due to the need for advancements in materials, technology, and engineering. Early attempts lacked efficient materials for filament and vacuum sealing, which hindered the durability and practicality of the bulbs. It wasn't until the late 19th century that innovations by inventors like Thomas Edison allowed for a commercially viable light bulb to be created.

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