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Q: If the energy from the light is captured and stored by the surface without being reflected or transmitted then it has been .?
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If the energy from the light is captured and stored by the surface without being reflected or transmitted then it has been?


How does visible light interact with an object?

Visible light interacts with an object by either being absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. The color of the object is determined by the wavelengths of light that are reflected off its surface. When light is absorbed, it can cause the object to heat up. Transmitted light passes through the object without being absorbed or reflected.

How do you explain how light can be reflected refracted transmitted or absorbed?

Light can be reflected when it bounces off a surface, refracted when it changes direction while passing through a different medium, transmitted when it passes through a material without being absorbed, and absorbed when its energy is taken in by a material, converting it into other forms of energy such as heat.

What are three ways in which light can interact with matter?

Light can be absorbed by matter, causing electrons to transition to higher energy levels. It can be reflected off a surface without being absorbed. Light can also be transmitted through a material, allowing it to pass through without being absorbed or reflected.

How is light transmitted when it hits a surface?

When light hits a surface, it can be transmitted through the material if the material is transparent or translucent. In these cases, the light is able to pass through the material without being absorbed or reflected. The amount of light that is transmitted depends on the properties of the material, such as its thickness and composition.

What is Light that passes through the leaf without being absorbed or reflected is called?

Transmitted light.

What happens to light when it falls on matter?

When light falls on matter, it can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted. Absorption occurs when the light energy is taken in by the matter and converted into heat. Reflection occurs when the light bounces off the surface of the matter. Transmission occurs when the light passes through the matter without being absorbed or reflected.

Reflection is light that has struck a surface and has been transmitted?

Reflection is when light bounces off a surface without being absorbed. It can happen on smooth or shiny surfaces, like mirrors, glass, or water. This process allows us to see objects because the reflected light reaches our eyes.

Light that passes through matter is said to be transmitted?

Yes, when light passes through a material such as air, water, or glass without being absorbed or reflected, it is said to be transmitted. This process occurs when the material is transparent to the specific wavelengths of light being transmitted.

What are three ways light interacts with matter?

three diffrent ways liht interacts with matter is absorbed, reflected, transmitted and refracted. =)

Explain what happens to light when it is reflected refracted transmitted and absorbed by matter?

When light hits matter, it can be reflected, meaning it bounces off the surface. Refraction occurs when light passes through matter and changes direction due to a change in speed. If light passes through matter without being absorbed, it is transmitted. However, if the material absorbs light, the energy is converted to heat.

What does it mean when light energy is reflected?

When light energy is reflected, it means that it bounces off a surface without being absorbed. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence, according to the law of reflection. This results in the formation of a clear image if the reflecting surface is smooth.