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Astronauts communicate with people on the ground through radio waves, which do not require a medium to travel through space. This is an example of the conversion of sound energy into electromagnetic energy for transmission. On the ground, the electromagnetic waves are converted back into sound waves that we can hear.

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Q: If sound needs a medium to travel how do astronauts in space speak to people on the ground What kind of energy conversion is involved?
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What type of energy is involved when a ball is dropped?

When a ball is dropped, the energy involved is primarily gravitational potential energy being converted into kinetic energy as the ball accelerates towards the ground. When the ball hits the ground, some of this kinetic energy is transferred to the ground as impact energy.

What happens to an apple potential energy as it falls toward the earth?

The potential energy of the apple decreases as it falls towards the earth due to a conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. This conversion occurs as gravitational potential energy is transformed into motion energy while the apple accelerates towards the ground.

Why does a bouncing ball rise to a lower height with each bounce what energy conversion is taking place?

The bouncing ball rises to a lower height with each bounce due to energy losses in the form of heat, sound, and deformation of the ball upon impact with the ground. The energy conversion taking place is from kinetic energy of the ball to other forms of energy like thermal and sound energy.

What is the energy conversion of a falling bag hitting the floor?

When a falling bag hits the floor, the potential energy of the bag due to its height above the ground is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. Upon impact with the floor, some of this kinetic energy is dissipated as sound and heat energy.

Which force is involved in the motion of bullock cart?

The force involved in the motion of a bullock cart is primarily friction between the wheels and the ground. As the bullocks pull the cart forward, the friction between the wheels and the ground allows for the transfer of kinetic energy to move the cart.

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What type of energy is involved when a ball is dropped?

When a ball is dropped, the energy involved is primarily gravitational potential energy being converted into kinetic energy as the ball accelerates towards the ground. When the ball hits the ground, some of this kinetic energy is transferred to the ground as impact energy.

What happens to an apple potential energy as it falls toward the earth?

The potential energy of the apple decreases as it falls towards the earth due to a conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. This conversion occurs as gravitational potential energy is transformed into motion energy while the apple accelerates towards the ground.

The types of energy involved in ground source heating?

geothermal: volcanoes hot spots, vents.

Eddie tosses his phone up to his friend's window which is 4 m above the ground. What energy conversion takes place with respect to the phone?

Kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy

Why does a bouncing ball rise to a lower height with each bounce what energy conversion is taking place?

The bouncing ball rises to a lower height with each bounce due to energy losses in the form of heat, sound, and deformation of the ball upon impact with the ground. The energy conversion taking place is from kinetic energy of the ball to other forms of energy like thermal and sound energy.

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What jobs are involved in a successful shuttle mission?

Jobs involved in a successful shuttle mission include astronauts, mission control personnel, engineers, technicians, and scientists. Astronauts are responsible for operating the spacecraft, conducting experiments, and performing spacewalks. Mission control personnel manage the mission from the ground, monitoring systems and providing guidance to the astronauts. Engineers and technicians are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the shuttle and its systems, while scientists design and analyze experiments conducted during the mission.

What is the energy conversion of a falling bag hitting the floor?

When a falling bag hits the floor, the potential energy of the bag due to its height above the ground is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. Upon impact with the floor, some of this kinetic energy is dissipated as sound and heat energy.

Which force is involved in the motion of bullock cart?

The force involved in the motion of a bullock cart is primarily friction between the wheels and the ground. As the bullocks pull the cart forward, the friction between the wheels and the ground allows for the transfer of kinetic energy to move the cart.

When a plant falls from a window its thermal energy is transformed into kinetic energy?

When a plant falls from a window, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as it accelerates towards the ground. This conversion results in an increase in the plant's speed and movement due to the force of gravity acting on it.

Is in a pendulum at the top of a swing chemical energy?

No, at the top of a swing, the pendulum has potential energy due to its position above the ground, which is considered gravitational potential energy. There is no chemical energy involved in the motion of a pendulum at the top of its swing.

What is scientific about jumping?

Jumping is a biological, biomechanical process that involves the conversion of stored energy in muscles into kinetic energy for propulsion off the ground. Scientists can study the physics and forces involved in jumping, as well as the physiological adaptations that enable humans and animals to perform this action efficiently.