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Increasing funding for research, fostering collaboration among researchers, and promoting open access to data and findings can help decrease restrictions on research and enable more new discoveries to be made.

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Q: If research is restricted then the new discoveries made are limited. Which action would most likely decrease the?
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What is the definition for not bound?

Not bound means something that is not restricted, limited, or tied to a specific condition or requirement. It implies a sense of freedom and lack of constraints.

Why were Thomas Edison's early films for the Kinetoscope rather limited?

Thomas Edison's early films for the Kinetoscope were limited because of technological constraints at the time. The cameras used were stationary and bulky, which restricted movement and creativity in filming. Additionally, film stock was expensive and had a limited capacity, leading to shorter film durations.

What does the word constrained mean?

"Constrained" means being limited or restricted in some way, often by external factors or circumstances that make it difficult to act freely or fully. It can also refer to feeling restricted or unable to make certain choices or decisions.

What is constrained mean?

"Constrained" means something that is limited or restricted by particular conditions or circumstances. It suggests that there are boundaries, restrictions, or limitations placed on a certain activity, process, or entity.

Does forming a crystal in a restricted space affect the structure?

Yes, forming a crystal in a restricted space can affect its structure. The limited space may apply pressure on the crystal lattice, causing it to adopt a different arrangement or orientation than it would in a more open environment. This may result in altered physical properties or crystal symmetry compared to a crystal grown in unrestricted conditions.

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Is research is restricted then the new discoveries made are limited. Which action would most likely decrease the number of discoveries scientists can make?

getting rid of government money for research

If research is restricted then the new discoveries made are limited which action would most likely decrease the number of discoveries scientist can make?

getting rid of government money for research

If research is restricted then the new discoveries made are limited. which action would most likely decrease the number of discoveries scientists can make?

getting rid of government money for research

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Increasing government funding of research

If research is restricted then the new discoveries made are limited . which action is most likely to increase the number of discoveries scientists can make?

Increasing government funding of research

If research is restricted then the new discoveries made are limited. Which action is most likely to increase the number of discoveries scientists can make?

Increasing government funding of research

If research is restricted then the new discoveries made are Limited which action is most likely to increase the number of discoveries scientist can make?

Increasing government funding of research

If research is restricted then the new discoveries made are limited. Which action would most likely increase the number of discoveries scientists can make?

Increasing government funding of research

The two shock boundaries are?

Limited Approach and Restricted Approach

What is the same meaning of limited?


Is Harvard university major is limited access or restricted access?

Depending on your major. If your major is like for example health related it might be restricted access. Not all majors are restricted or limited some maybe even none.

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Restricted, insufficient, limited. tight