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The black paper would absorb more sunlight and heat up faster, causing the snow beneath it to melt faster in that spot. The white paper would reflect more sunlight, resulting in slower melting compared to the surrounding snow.

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Q: If pieces of black and white paper laid on snow in sunshine what would happen?
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If pieces of black paperand white paper are laid in sunshine what is likely to happen?

The black paper will absorb more sunlight and heat up faster than the white paper, as black absorbs more light and heat. This will cause the black paper to heat up more quickly than the white paper.

If pieces of black and white paper are laid on snow in the sunshine what would likely happen?

The black paper absorbs more sunlight, causing it to heat up and melt the snow underneath. The white paper reflects more sunlight, staying cool and preventing the snow beneath it from melting as quickly. This creates a contrast where the black paper leaves a dark spot and the white paper leaves a lighter spot on the snow.

If pieces of black paper and white paper are laid on snow in sunshine what is likely to happen?

The black paper will absorb more sunlight and heat up, causing the snow underneath to melt faster than the white paper. This will create a contrast where the snow under the black paper melts more quickly than under the white paper, showcasing the different heat absorption properties of the two colors.

What happen when the comb put near on the pieces of paper?

When a comb is brought near pieces of paper, the comb might attract small bits of paper due to static electricity. This occurs because rubbing the comb against hair or fabric creates a charge imbalance on the comb, causing it to become temporarily charged and attract light objects like pieces of paper.

What happend if sprinkle paper pieces on a drumhead and then hit a drumstick?

When you hit the drumstick on the drumhead with paper pieces sprinkled on it, the paper pieces will move and jump around due to the vibrations from the drumstick hitting the drumhead. The vibrations cause the paper pieces to dance and create interesting visual patterns as they react to the sound waves.

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If pieces of black paperand white paper are laid in sunshine what is likely to happen?

The black paper will absorb more sunlight and heat up faster than the white paper, as black absorbs more light and heat. This will cause the black paper to heat up more quickly than the white paper.

If pieces of black and white paper are laid on snow in the sunshine what would likely happen?

The black paper absorbs more sunlight, causing it to heat up and melt the snow underneath. The white paper reflects more sunlight, staying cool and preventing the snow beneath it from melting as quickly. This creates a contrast where the black paper leaves a dark spot and the white paper leaves a lighter spot on the snow.

If pieces of black paper and white paper are laid on snow in sunshine what is likely to happen?

The black paper will absorb more sunlight and heat up, causing the snow underneath to melt faster than the white paper. This will create a contrast where the snow under the black paper melts more quickly than under the white paper, showcasing the different heat absorption properties of the two colors.

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Nothing will happen

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Which is right two piece of paper two pieces of paper?

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When a comb is brought near pieces of paper, the comb might attract small bits of paper due to static electricity. This occurs because rubbing the comb against hair or fabric creates a charge imbalance on the comb, causing it to become temporarily charged and attract light objects like pieces of paper.

How many pieces of paper is in an ounce?

The answer depends on how small (or big) the pieces of paper are!

How many pieces of typing paper are in a ton?

200,000 pieces of paper are in a ton

Explain briefly how the sunshine duration is measured?

Sunshine duration is typically measured using a device called a sunshine recorder, which consists of a glass sphere that focuses sunlight onto a piece of paper. The recorder marks the duration of sunshine each day by burning a trace onto the paper. The length and intensity of the burn mark correspond to the amount of sunshine received.