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If an object is white in sunlight it will be green in green light.

A white object reflects all wavelengths (colors) of light that shine on it. If only green light shines on it, that color will be reflected and the object will look green.

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The object will appear green under green light because it will absorb all other colors of light and reflect green light, which is the color we perceive.

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Q: If object is white in sunlight what color will it be in green light?
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What color would a green object in green light?

A green object under green light would appear its original color and shade of green. When an object is illuminated by light of the same color, no new colors are absorbed or reflected, resulting in the object appearing unchanged.

What color light does a green object absorb?

A green object absorbs all colors of light except green. Green light is reflected by the object and that is why we perceive it as green.

When an object is in the sunlight why do you see its color?

When an object is in sunlight, it reflects some of the light that hits it. The color we see is the result of the reflected light waves. Different colors are absorbed by the object, and the color we see is the light waves that are reflected back to our eyes.

What color does a green object absorb?

Since an object is observed as the color(s) it reflects, a green object absorbs all colors and reflects green.

What happens to the light when it hits a green object?

When light hits a green object, the object absorbs all the colors in the light spectrum except for green. Green is reflected off the object, which is why we perceive it as green. This reflection is what gives the object its color.

What color is an opaque object that absorbs green light?

An opaque object that absorbs green light would appear magenta, which is the complementary color to green. This is because the object absorbs green light and reflects red and blue wavelengths, which combine to produce magenta.

What color is a green object if red light strikes it?

The green object will appear black because red light is absorbed by green objects.

What color would a green object be if you shined an orange light on it?

A "green" object is called "green" because that's the only color of light it reflects, and it absorbs any other color. If orange light is shining on it, then there's no light for it to reflect, and it looks black to you.

What happens when a blue light shines on a green object?

When a blue light shines on a green object, the green object will absorb some of the blue light and reflect the remaining green light. This is because the green object absorbs light of complementary colors, in this case blue, and reflects light of its own color, green.

What happens when you shine a green light to a green object?

When you shine a green light on a green object, the object will reflect the green light and appear brighter or more vivid in color. Green objects absorb most of the other colors of light and reflect green light, so they will be most visibly affected by green light.

What color light does green objects absorb?

Since an object is observed as the color(s) it reflects, a green object absorbs all colors and reflects green.

Is the grass still green at night?

No, grass appears green during the day because of the reflection of sunlight on its chlorophyll pigments. At night, without sunlight, the grass will appear darker in color or may even appear gray or black depending on the available light sources.