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If more electric field lines are leaving a Gaussian surface than entering, this indicates that there is a net positive charge enclosed by the surface. According to Gauss's Law, the total electric flux through a closed surface is directly proportional to the net charge enclosed by that surface.

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Q: If more electric field lines are leaving a gaussian surface than entering what can you conclude about the net charge enclosed by that surface?
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What is Gaussian Surface?

A Gaussian surface is an imaginary closed surface used in Gauss's law to calculate the electric field or flux through the surface. It is often chosen to simplify the calculation by taking advantage of the symmetry of the system.

Why is electric field inside a ring is zero?

The electric field inside a uniformly charged ring is zero because the field contributions from each infinitesimal charge element cancel each other out due to symmetry. The horizontal components of the electric fields from diametrically opposite charges cancel each other, while the vertical components add up to zero. Thus, the net electric field inside the ring is zero.

What do you mean by Gaussian noise?

Gaussian noise is a type of random noise with a probability distribution that follows a Gaussian or normal distribution. It is characterized by a symmetrical bell-shaped curve with values clustered around the mean, making it a common model for natural variations in many systems and processes. The randomness of Gaussian noise can affect signals in various applications such as communication systems, image processing, and measurement devices.

What is the difference between white noise and gaussian noise?

White noise is a type of signal that has a flat power spectral density across all frequencies, meaning that all frequencies have equal power. Gaussian noise refers to noise with a normal distribution in the time domain. While white noise has uniform power across all frequencies, Gaussian noise has a distribution of values that follows the Gaussian (bell-shaped) curve.

What is GMM?

GMM stands for Gaussian Mixture Model. It is a probabilistic model that assumes the data is generated from a mixture of several Gaussian distributions. GMM is commonly used for clustering and density estimation tasks in machine learning.

Related questions

A Gaussian surface does not enclose a charge Does it mean that E equals 0 on its surface?

No.there can be electric field on the Gaussian surface even if the charge enclosed by it is zero.However ,net flux will be zero through the surface.

What is the total flux across a gaussian sphere enclosing an electric dipole?

The total flux across a Gaussian sphere enclosing an electric dipole is zero. This is because the electric field lines originating from the positive charge of the dipole cancel out the electric field lines terminating at the negative charge within the sphere, resulting in a net flux of zero according to Gauss's Law.

What is Gaussian Surface?

A Gaussian surface is an imaginary closed surface used in Gauss's law to calculate the electric field or flux through the surface. It is often chosen to simplify the calculation by taking advantage of the symmetry of the system.

What is gaussian filter in term of image processing?

the gaussian filter is also known as Gaussian smoothing and is the result of blurring an image by a Gaussian function.

Why is electric field inside a ring is zero?

The electric field inside a uniformly charged ring is zero because the field contributions from each infinitesimal charge element cancel each other out due to symmetry. The horizontal components of the electric fields from diametrically opposite charges cancel each other, while the vertical components add up to zero. Thus, the net electric field inside the ring is zero.

What do you mean by gaussian?

The Gaussian distribution is the same as the normal distribution. Sometimes, "Gaussian" is used as in "Gaussian noise" and "Gaussian process." See related links, Interesting that Gauss did not first derive this distribution. That honor goes to de Moivre in 1773.

What is the difference between white Gaussian noise and additive white Gaussian noise?

A Gaussian noise is a type of statistical noise in which the amplitude of the noise follows that of a Gaussian distribustion whereas additive white Gaussian noise is a linear combination of a Gaussian noise and a white noise (white noise has a flat or constant power spectral density).

Autocorrelation Characteristics of Super-Gaussian Optical Pulse?

autocorrelation characteristics of super gaussian optical pulse with gaussian optical pulse.

How do you get symmetric Gaussian curve?

when the signals are symmetric then this signals are gaussian In statistics, the Gaussian curve, also known as the Normal curve, is symmetrical.

What is the advantage of using Gauss's law in the field of physics instead of using Coulomb's?

Gauss's law allows for easier calculation of electric fields using symmetry, while Coulomb's law requires integration over the entire charge distribution. This makes Gauss's law more efficient for problems with high symmetry, such as those involving spherical or cylindrical geometries.

Where can one get a Gaussian Copula?

There are many places where one can get a Gaussian Copula. One can get a Gaussian Copula at popular on the web sources such as Wired, UCL Finds, and SPS.

What four shapes have formulas which include the symbol pi?

A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.