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The object appears blue because it is absorbing colors in the red and yellow range of the spectrum and reflecting blue light.

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Q: If an object is blue what color of light is being absorbed by the object?
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How does visible light interact with an object?

Visible light interacts with an object by either being absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. The color of the object is determined by the wavelengths of light that are reflected off its surface. When light is absorbed, it can cause the object to heat up. Transmitted light passes through the object without being absorbed or reflected.

When you see the color of an object is all light being absorbed by that object except for the color being experienced?

Yes, when we see the color of an object, it means that all other colors of light are being absorbed by the object and only the specific color reflected is being experienced by our eyes. This reflected color is what we perceive as the color of the object.

When you see color is it being reflected or absorbed?

When you see color, it is because certain wavelengths of light are being reflected by the object and other wavelengths are being absorbed. The colors we perceive are based on which wavelengths of light are reflected back to our eyes.

If an object absorbs all the light that hits it.what color is it?

If an object absorbs all light, it appears black because all of the light is being absorbed and none is being reflected back to our eyes.

When light strikes to an object can it be reflected or absorbed?

Yes, when light strikes an object, it can either be reflected (bounced off) or absorbed (taken in by the object). The amount of light that is reflected or absorbed depends on the properties of the object, such as its color and material.

Can Light being absorbed makes shadows form?

Yes, light being absorbed by an object can create shadows because the absorbed light does not reach the area behind the object, resulting in a shadow being formed. The shadow is the absence of light caused by the object blocking the light source.

How you know color absorbed?

We know which colors are absorbed by an object based on the colors that are missing from the light that is reflected off the object. The absorbed colors are those that are not present in the reflected light, causing us to perceive the object as having a certain color.

What does an object become when light is absorbed?

When light is absorbed by an object, the object gains energy and typically heats up. The absorbed light can also excite electrons in the object's atoms, leading to chemical reactions or the emission of light at a different wavelength.

When light hits an object?

it can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted through the object. The color of the object is determined by which wavelengths of light are absorbed and which are reflected. This process is the basis for how we perceive color.

Is the color of an object the sum of the color it will reflect or transmit?

The color of an object is determined by the specific wavelengths of light that are reflected or transmitted by the object. The color we perceive is the sum of the light that is reflected or transmitted, and not the light that is absorbed by the object.

How can you see the object and its color if all light is being absorbed and no light is being reflected?

If all light is being absorbed by an object and no light is being reflected, then the object would appear black or very dark, making it difficult to see its features or color. Our eyes detect light that is reflected off objects, so if no light is reflected, the object would not be visible in normal conditions.

What happens to the color black when light hits it?

When light hits a black object, it is absorbed by the object's surface molecules rather than being reflected. This absorption of light energy causes the object to appear black to our eyes.