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To convert m/s into km/hr, you multiply by 18/5. So 36 m/s is 129.6 km/hr

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1mo ago

To convert m/s to km/h, you can multiply by 3.6. So, 36.0 m/s x 3.6 = 129.6 km/h. Therefore, the velocity of the train is 129.6 km/h.

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Q: If a train leaves a station at 0.0 marker traveling with a constant velocity of 36.0msWhat is the velocity a of the train in kmh?
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Is it possible that acceleration at an instant does not depends upon its velocity at that instant?

Yes, it is possible for acceleration at an instant to not depend on velocity at that instant. This can happen in cases where the direction of the velocity is changing even if the magnitude of the velocity is constant, leading to acceleration due to changes in direction.

What is the value of orbital velocity?

The orbital velocity of an object depends on its distance from the center of mass it is orbiting. For example, the orbital velocity of the Moon around Earth is about 1 km/s, while the orbital velocity of the International Space Station (ISS) around Earth is about 8 km/s.

Subway train starting from rest leaves a station with a constant acceleration At the end of 6.47 s it is moving at 17.2102 m s What is the train s displacement in the first 4.76839 s of motion?

To find the displacement in the first 4.76839 s, we first need to find the final velocity at 4.76839 s using the equation v = u + at, where u is the initial velocity. Then, we can use the equation s = ut + (1/2)at^2 to calculate the displacement. Substituting the known values, we can find the displacement.

What is the source of the centripetal force that keeps the International Space Station in orbit around the earth?

The centripetal force that keeps the International Space Station in orbit around the Earth is due to the gravitational pull between the Earth and the space station. This gravitational force causes the space station to constantly fall towards Earth, but its tangential velocity keeps it moving sideways, resulting in a stable orbit.

What is the acceleration of an object moving in circular path at constant velocity?

The acceleration of an object moving in a circular path at constant velocity is directed towards the center of the circle and is called centripetal acceleration. This acceleration is responsible for changing the direction of the object's motion, keeping it moving in a circular path. The magnitude of the centripetal acceleration is given by the equation a = v^2 / r, where v is the velocity of the object and r is the radius of the circle.

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How does spacestation remain in space?

A space station stays in space through a combination of its orbital velocity, which counteracts the pull of gravity, and periodic boosts to maintain its trajectory. The station's speed ensures that it continually falls toward Earth but keeps missing it due to its forward motion. By carefully managing its velocity and course, the space station can stay in orbit for an extended period.

What train station is used to travel to Newcastle from Birmingham?

The Birmingham International Train Station is the main hub for traveling to Newcastle from Birmingham. The station offers food, drink and disable access to make traveling pleasurable.

How fast is space station traveling?

The International Space Station travels at an average speed of about 28,000 kilometers per hour (17,500 miles per hour) in low Earth orbit. This fast speed allows it to orbit the Earth roughly every 90 minutes.

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With the Conoco station finder it is easy to find the nearest gas station while traveling. You can plan a trip and the conoco station finder will mark the stations along the way you are going to travel.

Which direction is the ISS traveling with respect to earth?

The International Space Station (ISS) travels from west to east in a roughly circular orbit around Earth. This means it moves in the same direction as Earth's rotation, completing an orbit approximately every 90 minutes.

A train departs its home station traveling at 50 mph It is 400 miles from your location How long will it take to arrive at your location?

Assuming it is coming in your direction, makes no stops and maintains a constant rate of speed, it will arrive in 8 hours.

How fast is the international space station traveling?

The International Space Station travels at a speed of approximately 28,000 kilometers per hour (17,500 miles per hour) in orbit around the Earth.

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haha alot. they should save their energy and walk to the nearest gas station

Is it possible that acceleration at an instant does not depends upon its velocity at that instant?

Yes, it is possible for acceleration at an instant to not depend on velocity at that instant. This can happen in cases where the direction of the velocity is changing even if the magnitude of the velocity is constant, leading to acceleration due to changes in direction.

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What instrument measures velocity?

In a car, a speedometer. At a weather station, an anemometer measures wind speed.