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The efficiency of the system would be calculated as the ratio of output work to input work, multiplied by 100% to express it as a percentage. In this case, the efficiency would be 82% (123j output work / 150j input work) * 100%.

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Q: If a system requires 150j on input work and produces 123j of output work what is the efficiency?
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If a system requires 150 j of input work and produces 123 j of output work what's it's efficiency?

The efficiency of the system can be calculated using the formula: efficiency = (output work / input work) * 100%. In this case, the efficiency would be (123 J / 150 J) * 100% = 82%.

What is the efficiency of a pulley that requires a worker to do 250 j of work to lift an object that requires 170 j or work?

The efficiency of the pulley system is calculated by dividing the output work by the input work and multiplying by 100, so efficiency = (output work/input work) * 100. In this case, the output work is 170 J and the input work is 250 J, so the efficiency is (170/250) * 100 = 68%.

What compares the energy output of a system with its energy input?

Energy efficiency compares the energy output of a system to its energy input. It indicates how much of the input energy is converted into useful output energy, with higher efficiency values indicating less energy wasted.

What means work output divided by work input?

Work output divided by work input is known as the efficiency of a system. It represents the ratio of useful work output compared to the total work input required to perform a task. A system with high efficiency is able to convert a larger portion of input energy into useful output energy.

What does efficiency compare energy output with?

Efficiency compares the useful energy output of a system to the total energy input. It provides a measure of how well a system converts input energy into useful output energy.

Related questions

If a system requires 150 j of input work and produces 123 j of output work what's it's efficiency?

The efficiency of the system can be calculated using the formula: efficiency = (output work / input work) * 100%. In this case, the efficiency would be (123 J / 150 J) * 100% = 82%.

What is the efficiency of a pulley that requires a worker to do 250 j of work to lift an object that requires 170 j or work?

The efficiency of the pulley system is calculated by dividing the output work by the input work and multiplying by 100, so efficiency = (output work/input work) * 100. In this case, the output work is 170 J and the input work is 250 J, so the efficiency is (170/250) * 100 = 68%.

What compares the energy output of a system with its energy input?

Energy efficiency compares the energy output of a system to its energy input. It indicates how much of the input energy is converted into useful output energy, with higher efficiency values indicating less energy wasted.

Formula for calculating efficiency of a mechanical system?

Efficiency % = (Output/Input) x 100

What means work output divided by work input?

Work output divided by work input is known as the efficiency of a system. It represents the ratio of useful work output compared to the total work input required to perform a task. A system with high efficiency is able to convert a larger portion of input energy into useful output energy.

What does efficiency compare energy output with?

Efficiency compares the useful energy output of a system to the total energy input. It provides a measure of how well a system converts input energy into useful output energy.

What do you get when you divide input work by output work?

When you divide input work by output work, you get the efficiency of a system. Efficiency is a measure of how well a system converts input work into output work, expressed as a percentage. A higher efficiency value indicates that more of the input work is being used to produce output work.

Which shows relationship between work input and work output?

The relationship between work input and work output is defined by the efficiency of a system. Efficiency is a measure of how well a system converts input work into output work and is calculated as the ratio of output work to input work. A higher efficiency indicates a more effective conversion of work input to work output.

What is the definition of efficiency-?

The ratio of output to input of a system or process.

What the definition of efficiency?

The ratio of the effective output to the total input in any system.

What is the comparison between output and input work called?

The comparison between output and input work is called efficiency. It is a measure of how well a system can convert input work into useful output work. Efficiency is usually expressed as a percentage, with 100% being perfect efficiency.

What the measure of the ratio of useful work output to work input?

The measure of the ratio of useful work output to work input is known as efficiency. It indicates how effectively a system or process converts input energy into useful output energy. The efficiency is typically expressed as a percentage, with higher values indicating a more efficient system.