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Drumming fingers on a table primarily uses the small muscles in the fingers (such as the flexor and extensor muscles) and the wrist muscles to create the tapping motion. These muscles work in coordination to generate the repetitive movement required for drumming.

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Q: If a person drums their fingers on the table they would be using which muscles?
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How do you make your fingers vibrate?

To make your fingers vibrate, you can rapidly tap them on a hard surface, such as a desk or table, while keeping them relaxed. The rapid tapping motion creates a vibrating sensation in your fingers. You can also try flicking your fingers with a quick, forceful motion to make them vibrate.

How close to the edge of the 20.0kg table can a 66.0 kg person sit without tipping it over?

To prevent the table from tipping over, the torque created by the person's weight sitting on the edge must not overcome the torque due to the table's weight at the center. The torque due to the person sitting on the edge can be calculated as the person's weight multiplied by the distance from the edge. Setting this torque equal to the torque of the table gives you the maximum distance the person can sit from the edge without tipping the table.

Who published the first version of the periodic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev is credited with publishing the first version of the periodic table in 1869. He arranged the elements based on their atomic weight and properties, creating a table that predicted the properties of missing elements.

What a example of unbalanced force that caused a change in motion?

An example of unbalanced force causing a change in motion is when a person pushes a book across a table. The force exerted by the person is greater than the force of friction between the book and the table, causing the book to accelerate in the direction of the push.

When a book is pushed across a table how many forces are acting on it?

When a book is pushed across a table, there are two forces acting on it: the force applied by the person pushing the book (force of push) and the force of friction acting in the opposite direction on the book due to contact with the table surface.

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Lift a glass from the table to your mouth and you are using these muscles?

The shoulder muscles

Is it seriously real bad manners to lick your fingers at the supper table?

It is seriously bad manners to lick your fingers at the supper table or any other time. Even if the food being served is chicken or rabbit, it is bad manners to lick your fingers.

Why does the nine times table trick with your fingers work?

because it just does

Name something you tap?

foot, fingers, pencils, table, drum

What are the five musscels used playing table tennis?

Forearm muscles, biceps, deltoids, abdominal muscles, and obliques.

Why winged-top stoppers are not laid on the table and should only be held between the fingers?

Winged-top stoppers are designed to be held between the fingers when pouring wine to control the flow and prevent spills. Placing them on the table can create a mess and potentially damage the stopper or table surface. Additionally, keeping them in hand allows for better control and precision when pouring.

Can table salt be used to soak away ache muscles?


What computer resembles a letter size slate that you can touch screen with fingers?

table pc

What is the verb for drums?

Drums is already a verb in the relevant tense, as well as being the plural for the noun.Other verbs depending on the tense are drum, drumming and drummed.Here are some example sentences:"I will drum the beat for you"."He drums all the notes correctly""He is upstairs drumming"."The way he drummed on the table was annoying".

Term for the rotator cuff muscles and deltoid when the elbow is flexed and the hand grabs a table top to lift the table?


A small basin to hold water for rinsing the fingers at the table?

it is a basin i guess or finger bowl

How do you make your fingers vibrate?

To make your fingers vibrate, you can rapidly tap them on a hard surface, such as a desk or table, while keeping them relaxed. The rapid tapping motion creates a vibrating sensation in your fingers. You can also try flicking your fingers with a quick, forceful motion to make them vibrate.