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72 degrees

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

With 4 equally spaced blades on a fan, you can rotate the fan onto itself with a minimum of 90 degrees. Each blade will align with the next blade at a quarter turn, which corresponds to 90 degrees.

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Q: If a fan has 4 equally spaced blades what is the least number of degrees that you can rotate the fan onto itself?
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Does the number of blades on a wind turbine affect how it works?

Yes, the number of blades on a wind turbine can affect its performance. More blades can potentially capture more wind energy at lower wind speeds, while fewer blades can be more efficient at higher wind speeds. The optimal number of blades depends on various factors such as the turbine's design and intended use.

Why does a fan has odd number of wings?

Fans typically have an odd number of blades to minimize the interference caused by blade passage. Having an odd number of blades helps to create a more uniform airflow and reduces vibrations. This design is also more efficient in terms of airflow and noise generation compared to even-numbered blades.

How does the number of blades on a windmill affect it?

The number of blades on a windmill directly impacts its efficiency and power generation. More blades can capture more wind energy but may lead to more turbulence and drag, reducing overall efficiency. Fewer blades are more aerodynamically efficient but may not capture as much wind energy. The optimal number of blades depends on various factors such as wind speed, design, and intended use.

How many blades on a wind pump?

A typical wind pump has between 3 to 5 blades. The number of blades can vary depending on the design and purpose of the wind pump.

How many blades does a windmill have?

Most modern windmills have three blades, as this design balances efficiency, stability, and cost-effectiveness. Some older or smaller windmills may have fewer blades, usually two. Ultimately, the number of blades can vary depending on the specific design and purpose of the windmill.

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If a fan has 5 equally spaced blades what is the least number of degrees that you can rotate it onto itself?

Rotating a regular five-sided (or five-bladed) object by 72 degrees will produce a congruent position. (360/5)

Why is an odd number of blades preferred on a propeller rather than an even number?

It's not! Any number of blades are ok as long as the blades are equally spaced apart and its balanced.

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One is a prime factor of 210 because it goes into 210 equally. Two is a prime factor of 210 because no other number can go into it other then one and itself, and because it goes into 210 equally. Three is a prime factor of 210 because it goes into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number three equally, other then 3 and itself. Five is a prime factor of 210 because it divides into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number five equally, other then 5 and itself. Seven is a prime factor of 210 because it divides into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number seven equally, other then seven and itself.\ Hope this helped!

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Since 293 is a prime number it can only be divided equally (divisible) by 1 and itself.

What number divides into 151 equally?

151 is a prime number, which means it can only be divided evenly by 1 and itself. Therefore, there is no other number that divides into 151 equally.

What can go into 67 equally?

Itself and one because 67 is a prime number

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What does prime number mean in math term?

A prime number is a number that can only be equally divided by 2 integers 1 and itself

What numbers that divide into 11 equally?

They are itself and one because 11 is a prime number

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83 is a prime number. Therefore, the only numbers that divide equally into it are itself and 1.

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What is the minimum number of degrees that an equilateral triangle can be rotated before it carries onto itself?

The minimum number of degrees that an equilateral triangle can be rotated before it carries onto itself is 60 degrees bout its vertical axis.