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They fall because the "Fn" is not present until the object is resting on the Earth's surface. Air can not transmit this force.

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Objects fall due to the force of gravity overpowering the normal force acting on them. Gravity pulls objects downwards towards the center of the Earth, causing them to accelerate towards the ground despite the presence of the normal force pushing back upwards. Once the force of gravity exceeds the normal force, the object will fall.

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Q: If a Normal Force (Fn) is equal and opposite to gravity then why do objects fall?
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What force is exerted toward you when you sit in a chair?

When you sit in a chair, the force exerted toward you is the normal force, which is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to your weight. This force is what keeps you from falling through the chair due to gravity.

What is the force that supports an object against gravity?

The force that supports an object against gravity is called the normal force. It is exerted by a surface to prevent objects from falling through it. The normal force equals the force of gravity acting on the object.

What is the equal and opposite force to the downward force of gravity pulling on a man standing on the beach?

The equal and opposite force to the downward force of gravity pulling on a man standing on the beach is the normal force exerted by the ground pushing back up on the man. This normal force prevents the man from sinking into the ground due to the force of gravity.

What force acts the opposite of gravity?

The opposite "force" from gravity would be anti-gravity, which is not an observed physical force. The opposition to gravity is normally by a reactive or repulsive force that overcomes gravity.The opposite of experiencing gravity is experiencing "weightlessness" (which is freefall within a gravitational influence, such as in an orbiting spacecraft or inside a falling aircraft or vehicle).

What is the difference between gravity and magnatism?

Gravity is a force of attraction between objects with mass, while magnetism is a force that attracts or repels objects based on their magnetic properties. Gravity is a universal force acting on all objects with mass, while magnetism is specific to certain materials with magnetic properties.

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What force is exerted toward you when you sit in a chair?

When you sit in a chair, the force exerted toward you is the normal force, which is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to your weight. This force is what keeps you from falling through the chair due to gravity.

The force that is always perpendicular to a surface and usually opposite gravity is which force?

that's the "normal force"

What is the force that supports an object against gravity?

The force that supports an object against gravity is called the normal force. It is exerted by a surface to prevent objects from falling through it. The normal force equals the force of gravity acting on the object.

What is the equal and opposite force to the downward force of gravity pulling on a man standing on the beach?

The equal and opposite force to the downward force of gravity pulling on a man standing on the beach is the normal force exerted by the ground pushing back up on the man. This normal force prevents the man from sinking into the ground due to the force of gravity.

What force acts the opposite of gravity?

The opposite "force" from gravity would be anti-gravity, which is not an observed physical force. The opposition to gravity is normally by a reactive or repulsive force that overcomes gravity.The opposite of experiencing gravity is experiencing "weightlessness" (which is freefall within a gravitational influence, such as in an orbiting spacecraft or inside a falling aircraft or vehicle).

What is the difference between gravity and magnatism?

Gravity is a force of attraction between objects with mass, while magnetism is a force that attracts or repels objects based on their magnetic properties. Gravity is a universal force acting on all objects with mass, while magnetism is specific to certain materials with magnetic properties.

Is gravity the opposite of inertia?

No, gravity is not the opposite of inertia. Gravity is a force that pulls objects towards each other, while inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion.

What is the force of attaction called?

Between two people of the opposite sex, love. Between objects, gravity

What is the force that acts in an upward direction against the force of gravity so it makes an object lighter?

The force that acts in an upward direction to counteract the force of gravity and make an object feel lighter is called buoyancy. This force is exerted by a fluid (such as air or water) on an object immersed in it, pushing the object in the opposite direction of gravity.

Gravity and what are two forces on earth that act on object?

Gravity is the force that pulls objects toward the center of the Earth, while air resistance is a force that acts in the opposite direction, slowing down objects as they move through the air.

What force always acts in the opposite direction from gravity?

The normal force, exerted by a surface in contact with an object, always acts perpendicular to the surface and in the direction opposite to gravity to keep the object from falling through the surface.

How to prove that normal force is equal to the product of mass and gravity?

The normal force is the force exerted by a surface to support the weight of an object resting on it. It is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the force of gravity acting on the object. The normal force can be calculated as the product of the mass of the object and the acceleration due to gravity.