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The final velocity of the cart can be calculated using the formula: final velocity = initial velocity + (net force/mass) * time. Assuming the initial velocity is 0 m/s, the final velocity would be: 0 + (500N / 38kg) * 4s = 52.63 m/s.

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Q: If a 500N net force is applied to a 38 kg cart for 4 seconds what is the cart's final velocity?
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If a car goes in 6.8 seconds how do you figure out the acceleration?

To calculate acceleration, you need to know the initial velocity of the car and its final velocity after 6.8 seconds. The acceleration can be found using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

What is the braking time from 1.5 to 2 seconds what is the final velocity?

To calculate the final velocity and braking time, we need more information such as initial velocity, acceleration, or distance traveled during braking. It is not possible to determine the final velocity and braking time with only the given time interval of 1.5 to 2 seconds.

If an object free-falls for 2.6 seconds what will be its final velocity and how far will it fall?

The final velocity of an object in free-fall after 2.6 seconds is approximately 25.48 m/s. The distance the object will fall during this time is approximately 33 meters.

If a train is accelerating at a rate of 4km per hour per second and its initial velocity is 20km per hour what is its velocity after 30 seconds?

The train's velocity after 30 seconds can be calculated using the formula: final velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration * time). Plugging in the values, final velocity = 20 km/hr + (4 km/hr/s * 30 s) = 20 km/hr + 120 km/hr = 140 km/hr. So, the train's velocity after 30 seconds is 140 km/hr.

A car traveling at a velocity of 24 m s is accelerated uniformly at a rate of 2 m s for 8 seconds what is the final velocity of the car?

The final velocity can be calculated using the formula: final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration × time. Given: initial velocity = 24 m/s, acceleration = 2 m/s², and time = 8 seconds. Plugging in the values: final velocity = 24 m/s + 2 m/s² × 8 s = 24 m/s + 16 m/s = 40 m/s. Therefore, the final velocity of the car is 40 m/s.

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If a car goes in 6.8 seconds how do you figure out the acceleration?

To calculate acceleration, you need to know the initial velocity of the car and its final velocity after 6.8 seconds. The acceleration can be found using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

What is the final velocity for something that fell for 10 seconds?

Assuming initial velocity is zero and this is in a vaccum, the final velocity would be gXt where g is the accleartion due to gravity which is 9.8 m/s^2. Therefore, the final velocity would be 98 m/s.

What is the braking time from 1.5 to 2 seconds what is the final velocity?

To calculate the final velocity and braking time, we need more information such as initial velocity, acceleration, or distance traveled during braking. It is not possible to determine the final velocity and braking time with only the given time interval of 1.5 to 2 seconds.

When acceleration occurs?

Acceleration occurs when velocity changes over time. The formula for it is as follows: a = (Vf - Vi) / t a: acceleration (meters/seconds2) Vf: Final velocity (meters/seconds) Vi: Initial Velocity (meters/seconds) t: Time (seconds)

If an object free-falls for 2.6 seconds what will be its final velocity and how far will it fall?

The final velocity of an object in free-fall after 2.6 seconds is approximately 25.48 m/s. The distance the object will fall during this time is approximately 33 meters.

How do you determine a cars final speed after acelerating for three seconds?

Using the equation of motion v = u + at. v-the final velocity, u - initial velocity a- acceleration and t-the time.

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The train's velocity after 30 seconds can be calculated using the formula: final velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration * time). Plugging in the values, final velocity = 20 km/hr + (4 km/hr/s * 30 s) = 20 km/hr + 120 km/hr = 140 km/hr. So, the train's velocity after 30 seconds is 140 km/hr.

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the final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration x time; since acceleration is negative final velocity = 45 - 10x3 = 45 -30 = 15 mph

If a Ferrari with an initial velocity of 10 ms accelerates at a rate of 50 mss for 3 seconds what will its final velocity be?

l2Math. l2Math.

A car traveling at a velocity of 24 m s is accelerated uniformly at a rate of 2 m s for 8 seconds what is the final velocity of the car?

The final velocity can be calculated using the formula: final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration × time. Given: initial velocity = 24 m/s, acceleration = 2 m/s², and time = 8 seconds. Plugging in the values: final velocity = 24 m/s + 2 m/s² × 8 s = 24 m/s + 16 m/s = 40 m/s. Therefore, the final velocity of the car is 40 m/s.

Find the acceleration of a car that goes from A meters per second to B meters per second in 8 seconds?

The acceleration of the car can be calculated using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Given the initial velocity (A), final velocity (B), and time (8 seconds), you can substitute the values into the formula to find the acceleration.

A braking time of 1.5 to 2 seconds what is the final velocity?

You need more details.The final velocity could be 0However, you need to know the initial velocity, and the braking acceleration, and perhaps other acceleration/deceleration factors to know the true answer.