A transistor can act as a switch by controlling the flow of current between its two terminals. When a small amount of current is applied to the base terminal, it allows a larger current to flow between the other two terminals (collector and emitter), effectively turning the transistor on. When no current is applied to the base terminal, the transistor is turned off and no current flows between the collector and emitter terminals. This on/off behavior allows transistors to function as switches in electronic circuits.
A BJT (bipolar junction transistor) is a general term that includes both NPN and PNP transistors. An NPN transistor has a layer of P-type semiconductor sandwiched between two N-type layers, allowing current to flow from the collector to the emitter when a small current is applied to the base.
The types of mechanical work include static work, dynamic work, and intensive work. Static work refers to work done without motion, dynamic work involves movement, and intensive work focuses on the internal energy changes within a system.
Input work is the work done on a machine, while output work is the work done by the machine. Efficiency of a simple machine is calculated as the ratio of output work to input work. The efficiency of a simple machine is high when the output work is close to the input work, indicating that the machine is converting most of the input work into useful output work.
The formula that relates work and power is: Power = Work / Time. Power is the rate at which work is done, which is the amount of work done divided by the time it takes to do that work.
The work that a simple machine does is called mechanical work. It refers to the amount of force applied over a distance to accomplish a task using the simple machine.
transister is the electronic divice used for correct current flow
Bipolar transister consist of emitter base & collecter
yes i do.
heart is defined as the best transister. Transister is best current for loop
when you advertise it and keep offers.
it is made of silicon or germanium.
Yes, its pnp
Ask your parents
Sometimes the water gives more moisture
what is the power rating of a transister
Guglielmo Marconi