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To make your body easier to float, you can increase your body fat percentage, which is less dense than lean muscle mass. To make your body easier to sink, you can decrease your body fat percentage and increase your lean muscle mass, which is denser than fat.

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Q: How would you change the density of your body to make it easier to float or sink?
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If you had a object with a density of 1.12 gcm3 would it sink or float in a container of salt water that has a density of 1.35 gmL?

The object would float in the salt water since its density is less than the density of the salt water. Objects with a lower density than the fluid they are placed in will float, while those with higher density will sink.

Would an object float if the density is 350 g and a volume is 95 cm squared?

To determine if an object will float, compare its density to the density of the fluid it will be placed in (usually water). An object with a density greater than that of water (1 g/cm^3) will sink, while an object with a density less than water will float. In this case, with a density of 350 g and a volume of 95 cm^3, you would need to know the density of the fluid (e.g., water) to determine if it would float or sink.

If the density of an object is 1 then will that object sink or float?

If the density of an object is 1, it will neither sink nor float in water. When the density of an object is equal to the density of the fluid it is placed in, it will be neutrally buoyant and will remain suspended in the fluid at the same level.

Would a density of 0.95 float in water?

No, an object with a density of 0.95 g/cm^3 would sink in water because water has a density of 1.0 g/cm^3. Objects with a density less than that of water will float.

What makes a fruit float or sink?

A fruit will float or sink in water based on its density. Fruits with higher density than water will sink, while those with lower density will float. This is because objects with lower density displace an amount of water equal to their weight, allowing them to float.

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Would it be easier to learn to swim in a pool or a beach?

Easier to float in salt water (great density) but pools do not have currents or waves to distract you. Go for the pool.

What would cause and object to float on fluid?

An object would float on a fluid if the density of the object was less than the density of the fluid.

Would a substance float if its density is 1 gram per ml?

Yes, a substance with a density of 1 gram per ml would float in water because water has a density of 1 gram per ml. If the substance had a density greater than 1 gram per ml, it would sink, and if it had a density less than 1 gram per ml, it would float.

What would a density of a person be?

The density of water is 1.0 and people are made mostly of water but they do float in water (just) so the density of a person is lust less than 1.0. I can not give you a precise answer because of cause your density would change as you breath in and out.

Would an object with a density of 0.85g per ml float sink or remain suspended in tap water?

Float - The density of water is 1.0, anything with a density less than this will float in water.

If you had a object with a density of 1.12 gcm3 would it sink or float in a container of salt water that has a density of 1.35 gmL?

The object would float in the salt water since its density is less than the density of the salt water. Objects with a lower density than the fluid they are placed in will float, while those with higher density will sink.

Would the mass on mercury float on water?

No, the mass on Mercury would not float on water. Mercury has a high gravitational pull, which means objects with mass would sink in water due to the greater force of gravity pulling them downward.

Would an object float if the density is 350 g and a volume is 95 cm squared?

To determine if an object will float, compare its density to the density of the fluid it will be placed in (usually water). An object with a density greater than that of water (1 g/cm^3) will sink, while an object with a density less than water will float. In this case, with a density of 350 g and a volume of 95 cm^3, you would need to know the density of the fluid (e.g., water) to determine if it would float or sink.

Why could Saturn be able to float in a planet sized tub?

Saturn would float in a bathtub because it has the lowest density of all the planets. If something has very low density, it floats. Thus explaining why Saturn would float

Would Uranus float in water?

No, the density of Uranus is 1.27 g/cm3 (the density of water is 1.00 g/cm3), therefore Uranus would sink. The planet that would float in water is the planet Saturn which has a density of 0.687 g/cm3.

Which planet has its density so low that it could float in water?

Saturn has a very low density and it would be able to float on water. The density of Saturn is: 0.687 grams per cubic centimeter.

What is special about Saturns density?

Saturn's density is so low that it can even float on water, it has the less density in all solar objects.