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Blocks 2 and 3 will experience equal and opposite forces as they are in contact with each other. As you pull on one block, the block next to it will experience a reaction force in the opposite direction due to Newton's third law of motion. This interaction allows the blocks to move together without separating.

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Q: How will you describe the interaction between blocks2 and 3 as you pull each blocks?
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What was the word atomos - used to describe?

The word "atomos" was used to describe indivisible particles that make up matter by ancient Greek philosophers such as Democritus. These particles were thought to be the building blocks of everything in the universe.

Do the styrofoam blocks have the same density?

Not necessarily. Styrofoam blocks can have different densities depending on how they are manufactured or what they are made of. Densities can vary between different styrofoam blocks based on factors like the amount of air or other materials trapped inside the foam.

Why might there be discrepancies between the measured values of different blocks?

Discrepancies between measured values of different blocks could be due to factors such as variations in block composition, surface roughness, temperature, or the precision of measurement instruments. Additionally, human error during measurement or differences in measurement techniques could also contribute to discrepancies.

How do you find the force of contact between two blocks?

To find the force of contact between two blocks, you can use Newton's third law, which states that the force between two objects is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This means that the force of contact is the same for both blocks and can be calculated using the force of friction or normal force acting between them.

How do scientist describe atoms?

Scientists describe atoms as the basic building blocks of matter that make up everything in the universe. Atoms are composed of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons in orbit. The properties of atoms are determined by the number of protons in the nucleus, which dictates the element the atom belongs to.

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