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By the changing the angles of forces, the system of the forces will be in equilibrium.

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1mo ago

To ensure a system of forces is in equilibrium by changing the angles of the forces, adjust the angles until the vector sum of all forces in the horizontal and vertical directions equals zero. This means that the forces balance each other out, leading to equilibrium. Use trigonometric functions to determine the components of each force in different directions to achieve equilibrium.

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Q: How to make a system of forces in equilibrium just by changing the angles of forces?
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This is called equilibrium. In a system in equilibrium, the forces are balanced, resulting in no overall change in motion.

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Changing the temperature of the system. Altering the pressure of the system. Adding or removing reactants or products from the system. Introducing a catalyst that shifts the equilibrium position. Changing the volume of the system. Modifying the concentration of reactants or products in the system.

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Coplanar or not, the two conditions for equilibrium are:The sum of all forces must be zeroThe sum of all torques must be zero.

Explain the Principle of Equilibrium and Free Body Diagram?

System is in the equilibrium if all the forces (external and reactional - internal) are in the equilibrium - resulting force is zero vector. Free body diagram is drawn for each body of the mechanical system. The body is disconnected from the system and contacts (sometimes called joints) are replaced by reactional forces. Then for each body equations of equilibrium can be written based on the principle of equilibrium.

What theorem states that if three forces acting at a point -they are in equilibrium-then each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two?

The theorem you are referring to is the Law of Sines for forces. It states that in a system of forces in equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two forces. Mathematically, this can be expressed as F1/sin(A) = F2/sin(B) = F3/sin(C), where F1, F2, and F3 are the magnitudes of the forces, and A, B, and C are the angles between the forces.