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Edison started what we called the current wars. He wanted to power the word with his Direct current motor which Edison could not work it properly. Telsa did made it work properly but Tesla's Alternate current motor is better. Edison started diffamation on Tesla. He electrified animals showing that his system is better which is was not.

Research shows that Edison had scientists working for him and Edison got the patents. Obiously he had envy towards Nikola Tesla.

One thing he was better that Tesla is the market strategies which he employed workers and then negleting the patents to be in their names. The only thing Edison invent for real, is the electric chair.

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Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla had differing views on electrical technology, which led to competition between their respective inventions. Edison favored direct current (DC), while Tesla championed alternating current (AC). This rivalry escalated to what is known as the "War of Currents," with Edison trying to discredit AC and Tesla's work. Ultimately, Tesla's AC system prevailed due to its greater efficiency and versatility.

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Q: How thomas Edison fight with Nikola Tesla?
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When did thomas Edison fight with Nikola Tesla?

Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla were rivals during the "War of Currents" in the late 1800s. The conflict between them was mainly over the use of alternating current (AC) versus direct current (DC) for electrical transmission and distribution. Tesla's invention of AC technology ultimately proved to be more efficient and practical, leading to Edison's eventual acceptance of it.

What did Nikola Tesla do after he lost the fight with Thomas Edison?

After Nikola Tesla left Thomas Edison's company, he went on to develop his own inventions and filed numerous patents for his groundbreaking work in electrical engineering and technology. Tesla also established his own laboratories and companies to further his research and innovation.

What element is used used in toothpaste to fight tooth decay Read Answer Items?

Fluoride is the element commonly used in toothpaste to fight tooth decay. It helps to strengthen tooth enamel and can reverse early stages of tooth decay.

Why do country fight against each other?

Countries may fight against each other due to reasons like geopolitical conflicts, territorial disputes, competition for resources, ideological differences, and historical grievances. Military interventions, economic sanctions, and diplomatic tensions can escalate into conflicts and wars between nations.

Why does your pulse go quicker when you are near danger?

When in danger, your body releases adrenaline, a hormone that triggers the "fight or flight" response. This causes your heart rate to increase, pumping more blood to your muscles and organs to prepare your body to either confront the danger or escape from it quickly.

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When did thomas Edison fight with Nikola Tesla?

Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla were rivals during the "War of Currents" in the late 1800s. The conflict between them was mainly over the use of alternating current (AC) versus direct current (DC) for electrical transmission and distribution. Tesla's invention of AC technology ultimately proved to be more efficient and practical, leading to Edison's eventual acceptance of it.

What did Nikola Tesla do after he lost the fight with Thomas Edison?

After Nikola Tesla left Thomas Edison's company, he went on to develop his own inventions and filed numerous patents for his groundbreaking work in electrical engineering and technology. Tesla also established his own laboratories and companies to further his research and innovation.

Did Thomas Edison win the Nobel prize?

No, he did not.

Where did nikola go after the fight with edision?

Thomas Edison's greatest challenge was the development of a practical incandescent, electric light. Contrary to popular belief, he didn't "invent" the lightbulb, but rather he improved upon a 50-year-old idea. In 1879, using lower current electricity, a small carbonized filament, and an improved vacuum inside the globe, he was able to produce a reliable, long-lasting source of light. So he said. Tesla worked for Thomas Alva Edison for 1 year At that time, the most important "inventor" in the world was named Thomas Alva Edison-the so-called wizard of Menlo Park.... Edison was credited with the invention of the DC dynamo and the electric light bulb . . . but the only thing he really invented was the ELECTRIC CHAIR!! Despite the fact that Tesla worked closely with Westinghouse, he still retained his own laboratory, and was very happy when he was working there. He continued to make new discoveries, one of which was a lamp that fluoresced, and was actually a forerunner of today's fluorescent tubes. These hit the market some fifty years after Tesla's prototypes! He also investigated many other phenomena including X-rays and a vacuum tube or valve very similar to the Audion or triode valve pioneered by de Forest in 1907.

Who developed the idea of a central electric power station?

This would have to be Thomas Edison, who invented coal fired power plants to supply the electricity to customers using his electric light bulb.There had been earlier coal fired electric plants to provide electricity for the earlier electric arc lights, but these were on a much smaller scale than Edison's.Before that there were illuminating gas plants producing many different gases for home and business lighting purposes.Note that the priority in all these cases was to provide lighting, not power for general use and the products could not be transmitted over long distances.It was Nikola Tesla that invented the high voltage AC power plant (his first one used hydroelectric power from Niagara Falls, not coal) and for the first time enabled electricity to be transmitted over long distances from the supplier to the consumer.Tesla first invented his AC system while he was an employee of Edison, but Edison rejected it as he did not want to make such expensive changes to his existing DC system in which he already had made a large investment. Tesla soon quit and was hired by Westinghouse, who soon gave him the chance to try his AC system in the Niagara Falls hydroelectric power plant. Tesla's AC system was soon demonstrated to require less initial investment and to operate more efficiently than Edison's DC system.Edison continued to fight the change from DC power plants to AC power plants, including a propaganda publicity campaign proclaiming AC to be more dangerous than DC and thus unsafe for household use, But eventually AC won and Edison's systems gradually converted from DC to AC.

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What did Tesla and Marconi fight about?

Though history books continue to give Guglielmo Marconi credit for the invention of radio, Tesla's lectures on wireless broadcasting precede Marconi's radio patents by some three years. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the matter in Tesla's favor, and struck down Marconi's patent claim, in 1943.