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The atomic model has been refined from "the plum pudding" model,

  • to a nucleus with orbiting electrons,
  • to an awareness of many different sub atomic particles in the nucleus and electrons that are in energy levels,
  • to electrons in sub energy levels and in distinct orbitals with different associated energy and behaviour
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The atomic model has evolved over time from Dalton's solid sphere model to Thomson's plum pudding model, then Rutherford's nuclear model, and finally to Bohr's planetary model. Modern atomic theory, based on quantum mechanics, describes the atom as a nucleus surrounded by electrons in specific energy levels or orbitals. Each new model incorporated new experimental evidence and led to a better understanding of the structure and behavior of atoms.

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Q: How the atomic model changed over time?
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Who invented the atomic model?

The atomic model was developed by various scientists over time, with contributions from Niels Bohr, Ernest Rutherford, and John Dalton. However, the modern atomic model that we use today, with electrons existing in energy levels around a nucleus, was largely proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913.

The modern atomic model is based on the principles of what?

The modern atomic model is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which describe the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels. It incorporates the idea of electron shells, where electrons exist in specific energy levels around the nucleus. The model also accounts for the wave-particle duality of electrons, which means they can act as both particles and waves.

Why did the atomic theory change with time?

The atomic theory changed with time as new experimental evidence and advancements in scientific knowledge challenged and refined our understanding of the structure of atoms. As technology improved, scientists were able to conduct more precise experiments that led to the discovery of subatomic particles like electrons, protons, and neutrons, which required the atomic theory to be updated to incorporate these new findings.

Why it take so long for the atomic model to evolve?

The development of the atomic model took time because it required multiple experiments and observations to gather evidence and refine the understanding of the structure of the atom. Scientists like Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr made significant contributions over decades, building upon each other's work to form the modern atomic model. This process of evolution required iterative testing, experimentation, and collaboration among scientists to reach our current understanding.

How has wind power changed over time?

Wind power technology has improved significantly over time, leading to more efficient turbines with higher energy output. Innovations in design, blade materials, and control systems have made wind power a more reliable and cost-effective source of renewable energy. As a result, wind power capacity has grown rapidly worldwide, becoming a key player in the transition to clean energy.

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The atomic theory changed over time as new scientific discoveries and evidence emerged through experimentation. Early atomic theories were revised and refined to better explain the behavior of atoms and their interactions with each other. The development of more advanced experimental techniques also contributed to a better understanding of atomic structure and properties.

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The laws of physics have not changed over time. Our understanding of them has changed over time.

Who invented the atomic model?

The atomic model was developed by various scientists over time, with contributions from Niels Bohr, Ernest Rutherford, and John Dalton. However, the modern atomic model that we use today, with electrons existing in energy levels around a nucleus, was largely proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913.

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'Atomistic' model, (since molecules where not recognised at that time)

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