The physicist conducted groundbreaking research in the field of quantum mechanics.
Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist.
One scientist who can expound on forces, center of gravity, and acceleration is Sir Isaac Newton. His laws of motion describe how forces affect the motion of objects and how acceleration is related to the net force acting on an object. Newton also developed the concept of center of gravity, which is the point at which the entire weight of an object can be considered to act.
Albert Einstein - German-born physicist known for the theory of relativity. Marie Curie - Polish-born physicist known for her research on radioactivity. Stephen Hawking - British physicist known for his work on black holes. Francisco Quisumbing - Filipino physicist known for inventing the Quink ink. Angel Alcala - Filipino physicist known for his research on environmental conservation.
It seems that there are two possible words that you are going for. A physicist would be a scientist who specialized in physics. A psychiatrist is a physician who specializes in mental/psychological illnesses, particularly of organic origin.
The spelling Fermi is an Italian surname, notably physicist Enrico Fermi (1901-1954).
The physicist won the Nobel Prize.Stephen Hawking is a famous physicist. How hard is it to become a physicist?
A physicist specialized in aerodynamics
she was a physicist
foreign Physicist and their contribution
The physicist conducted groundbreaking research in the field of quantum mechanics.
FrictionSan in Angleton is a physicist.
A scientist that studies motion, forces and energy would be called a physicist.
give 20 physicist
a physicist= un physicien, une physicienne
The cast of The Elegant Universe - 2003 includes: Walter Lewin as Himself (theoretical physicist) Joseph Lykken as Himself (theoretical physicist) Maria Spiropulu as Herself (experimental physicist) Leonard Susskind as Himself (theoretical physicist) Cumrun Vafa as Himself (theoretical physicist) Gabriele Veneziano as Himself (theoretical physicist) Steven Weinberg as Himself (theoretical physicist) Edward Witten as Himself (theoretical physicist)
physicist Sheldon is a theoretical Physicist and Leonard an experimental Physicist.