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Work = force x distance, and force = mass x acceleration ( in this case, the acceleration due to gravity), so we have Work = 5 x 9.81 x 1 = 49.05 J

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1mo ago

The work done to lift a 5 kg grocery bag 1 meter onto the counter is 49 J (work = force * distance = mass * gravity * distance).

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Q: How much work will it take to lift a 5 kg grocery bag 1 meter on to the counter?
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How much force would be required to lift a 350 newton weight 1 meter by using a pulley system with a mechanical advantage of 5?

To lift a 350 N weight by 1 meter using a pulley system with a mechanical advantage of 5, you would need to apply a force of 70 N (350 N divided by 5) over a distance of 1 meter. This force is reduced due to the mechanical advantage of the pulley system.

How much work does a 25 Newton force do to lift a potted plant from the floor to a shelf 1.5 meter high?

The work done is calculated by multiplying the force applied by the distance over which the force is applied. In this case, the work done to lift the potted plant would be 25 Newtons * 1.5 meters = 37.5 Joules.

If you want to lift a 5-kg box to a height of 1 meters how much work must be done?

The work done to lift the 5-kg box to a height of 1 meter would be 49.05 Joules (work = force × distance). In this case, the force required to lift the box against gravity can be calculated as force = mass × gravity, which is force = 5 kg × 9.81 m/s^2.

The amount of force needed to lift a petrified log is 5000 N How much work is required to lift the log 5 meters?

The work done to lift the log can be calculated using the formula: Work = Force x Distance. In this case, the force is 5000 N and the distance is 5 meters. Therefore, the work required to lift the log 5 meters would be 5000 N x 5 m = 25000 Joules.

What instrument measures how much electricity is used?

An electricity meter, also known as a watt-hour meter or electric meter, is the instrument used to measure how much electricity is consumed by a building or appliance. The meter typically records the amount of energy used in kilowatt-hours.

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How much work will it take to lift a 5 kg grocery bag 1 meter onto the counter?

49 j

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39.2 j <3 Erin f windbigler <3

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