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G= m.g

To find the value of gravitational force applied on an object (in other but less scientific words- the amount of gravity that pulls an object) you should multiply the mass of the object (m, generally in kg) and the gravitational acceleration (g, generally in ms-2) in that area.

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4mo ago

Gravity pulls on an object's mass with a force proportional to its mass. The force of gravity is directly proportional to an object's mass, so the greater the mass of an object, the more gravity will pull on it.

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Why dont heavy objects fall faster than light ones?

-- Gravity pulls harder on objects with more mass than it does on objects with less mass. -- But objects with more mass need more force on them to accelerate as fast as objects with less mass. -- So it all balances out . . . no matter how much mass an object has, every object on Earth falls with the same acceleration.

Does force of gravity act on dust particles?

Yes, the force of gravity acts on all objects with mass, including dust particles. Gravity pulls objects towards the center of the Earth, causing dust particles to fall to the ground if they are not suspended in air or other mediums.

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All objects generate gravity according to their mass, so does the moon. The moon's mass is only about 1/80 as much as the Earth's mass.

Does mass and weight make gravity?

Mass is a measure of how much matter is in an object, while weight is the force of gravity acting on that object. Gravity is the force of attraction between objects with mass, so mass and gravity are related in that gravity acts on objects with mass to create weight.

Does gravity pull objects down toward earth?

yes gravity pulls object toward the earth Here on Earth, the force of gravity does indeed pull objects down toward the Earth. But bear in mind that gravity is a universal force. On the planet Mars, for example, gravity pulls objects toward Mars. All objects in the universe have their own gravitational force, the strength of which depends upon how massive the object is. The sun is much heavier than the Earth, and the gravitational attraction of the sun is enormously greater than that of the Earth.

How does gravity hold the planets and their moons in orbit?

Gravity is a force of attraction between two objects with mass. In the case of planets and moons, gravity pulls them towards each other, causing them to orbit around a common center of mass. The speed and distance of the orbit are determined by the mass of the objects and the distance between them.

What determines your weight on a planet?

Your weight on a planet is determined by the strength of its gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the planet's center. The more massive the planet, the stronger the gravity, resulting in a greater weight for objects on its surface.

What is the measurement for how much gravity pulls on an abject?

The measurement for how much gravity pulls on an object is its weight, which is typically measured in units such as pounds or kilograms. Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity pulling it toward the center of the Earth.

How does gravity hurt us?

Gravity can hurt you in many waysGravity can be too much and crush usGravity pulls objects to Earth,so falling off tall structures will hurt you.Like in number two,gravity pulls objects to Earth,so objects falling on you can hurt you.Gravity can be too less and drift you away.If you trip on your shoelace you fall down and go boom and get a owie.

How is mass weight and gravity are connected?

Mass is the amount of matter an object contains, weight is the force of gravity pulling on an object's mass. The formula to calculate weight is weight = mass x gravity. Gravity is what gives objects weight and determines how much they weigh on Earth relative to their mass.

Gravity gives you your mass true or false?

False. Gravity does not give you mass. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, whereas gravity is a force that acts on objects with mass.

What 2 things determine how much gravity would be between two objects?

weight and mass