35 meters is equal to 0.035 kilometers. To convert meters to kilometers, you need to divide the number of meters by 1000.
There are approximately 28.35 gm (grams) of the metric system in one oz (ounce) of the British Imperial and US Standards for weights and measures.Here's a formula for you to use:1 oz=28.34952313 g1 avoirdupois ounce = 28.35 gm1 troy ounce = 31.10 gm (Troy ounces are used for weighing gold, and other precious metals.)1 ounce = 28.34952 gramsIn this context, "ounce" means the unit of mass, not "fluid ounce", which is a unit of volume (typically of a liquid).
Density is a unit of measurement defined by how much matter takes up a certain amount of volume or space, therefore, when salt is added to water the following occurs:A) The volume or space that the water takes up has very slightly increased butB) The mass of the water has very greatly increased due to the salt ions (Ions being atoms with either extra electrons or missing electrons) having been attracted to the water and bonded themselves very closely to the water molecules.The mass of the water has increased faster than the volume or space that it requires to take up, therefore the density of the water with salt in it is greater than normal water because for a certain volume of water there is more material or matter in salt water than there is in the same volume of normal water. So basically, in the very simplest answer would be "Because there's more stuff than just water in it." And most of that other "stuff" is heavier than pure water.If you need something visual, picture (or try) this: You have 2 glasses filled with the same amount (volume) of freshwater. They both have the same density. Now, to one of the units, add 25 grams of table salt and stir it until it is all dissolved. Once dissolved, you will find that the volume of this unit is still the same (one unit) but if you weigh it, it is now 25 grams heavier than the remaining freshwater sample. Therefore the unit with the salt is now denser than the freshwater unit.(Basically, think of fresh water as marbles in a cup. There are gaps between the marbles. When you add salt, the gaps are filled in, making it denser.)Need something more scientific than just "because there's more stuff, it's heavier"? Check out what this science teacher has to say:Firstly, you need to understand that when salt (sodium chloride NaCl) is added to water it disassociates into two charged ions; Na+ and Cl-The water molecule is shaped much like this:O/ \H HThe oxygen has two lone pairs of electrons exposed on the top, so it attracts anything positive (e.g. Na+). The Hydrogen atoms are sharing their one electron with each of the covalent bonds with the oxygen atom. This exposes the positively charged nucleus and attracts negatively charged particles (e.g. Cl-).This has the overall effect of pulling the water molecules closer together (but not chemically bonding) in salt water than they would normally be in fresh water. We define density as being related to the number and size of particles in a given volume. The overall pulling together of the water molecules means that more water molecules will fit into a smaller space.
Yes, salt water is more dense than tap water because the dissolved salt molecules increase the mass of the water without significantly increasing its volume. This increased mass leads to a higher density in salt water compared to tap water.
Salt water will hold up a heavy object longer than tap water due to its higher density and buoyant force. The salt content in the water increases the density, providing greater support to the object floating on it.
There is .035 grams in an ounce. 400 grams is approximately one pound.
1 gram = .035 ounces. 6 grams = .211 ounces. 1 ounce = 28.349 grams
There are approximately 1075 grams in 2.37 pounds.
One gram is equal to .035 ounces.
3500 grams equals 3.5 kilograms. To convert grams to kilograms, you divide the number of grams by 1000.
50 * .035 = 1.75 Ref : Easycalculation
To convert milligrams (mg) to grams (g), you divide by 1000. In this case, 35 mg of sodium is equal to 0.035 grams.
Here you have to divide by 1000. 35/1000 will give you 0.035 grams
There are approximately 0.035273 ounces in one gram.
First of all, you need to change the 3.5% to a decimal which is .035. Then you need to multiply .035 by 200 and you will get 7. So the answer for this math homework is 7.
044 - .035 = 43.965You may have meant:.044 - .035 = .009