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Two forces on a body in calm water:

-- Gravitational force, equal to the weight of the body (when it's in vacuum), directed down.

-- Buoyant force, equal to the weight of the water that would occupy the volume of the body if the body were not there, directed up.

If the body is actually "suspended" ... i.e. it will stay at any depth you place it, and will not rise or sink ...then it has "neutral buoyancy". The buoyant force is exactly equal and opposite to the gravitational force, so the NET force on the body is zero.

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1mo ago

When a body is suspended in water, it experiences two main forces: buoyant force acting in the upward direction due to the water displaced by the body, and the force of gravity acting in the downward direction. These forces determine whether the body floats, sinks, or remains suspended at a certain depth in the water.

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A body floating in water has two forces acting on it: buoyant force pushing the body up and gravity pulling it down. The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the body, while gravity pulls the body downward.

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When a body is at rest, the forces acting on it are balanced. These can include gravitational force pulling the body downward and normal force exerted by the surface supporting the body. As long as these forces are equal and opposite, the body remains at rest.

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