A brown bear cub typically weighs between 5 to 10 pounds at birth.
Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 and his birth weight was not documented.
There is no specific weight mentioned in historical or religious texts for Jesus at birth. It is not a detail that is mentioned in the Bible or other related scriptures.
A kitten can weigh anywhere from 3 to 10 ounces at birth, depending on the breed and litter size.
she weigh 126 lbs
they weigh about 30 -90 lbs at birth
They weigh about 5-10 lbs
The birth weigh depnding on species is 4.5 to 15 ounces (128 to 430 grams).
A pound at birth.
Most weigh around ninety-thousand pounds
When first hatched, platypuses weigh barely a gram.
1 kg
5 pounds
300 pounds