A brown bear cub typically weighs between 5 to 10 pounds at birth.
Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 and his birth weight was not documented.
A kitten can weigh anywhere from 3 to 10 ounces at birth, depending on the breed and litter size.
she weigh 126 lbs
1000 pennies would weigh approximately 2.5 pounds.
they weigh about 30 -90 lbs at birth
They weigh about 5-10 lbs
The birth weigh depnding on species is 4.5 to 15 ounces (128 to 430 grams).
A pound at birth.
Most weigh around ninety-thousand pounds
When first hatched, platypuses weigh barely a gram.
1 kg
5 pounds
300 pounds